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ts compression + seasonality study
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awb99 committed Sep 26, 2023
1 parent a4a7730 commit eb4b6d4
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Showing 5 changed files with 436 additions and 102 deletions.
24 changes: 24 additions & 0 deletions app/demo/src/demo/math.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
(ns demo.math)

(def sum #(reduce + %))

(def avg #(/ (sum %) (count %)))

(defn square [n] (* n n))

(defn mean [a] (/ (reduce + a) (count a)))

(defn standarddev [a]
(when (> (count a) 1)
(Math/sqrt (/
(reduce + (map square (map - a (repeat (mean a)))))
(- (count a) 1)))))

(mean [1 2 3 4 5])
(standarddev [1 2 3 4 5])
(standarddev [])

277 changes: 268 additions & 9 deletions app/demo/src/notebook/studies/seasonality.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,12 +1,20 @@
(ns notebook.studies.seasonality
[tick.core :as t]
[tablecloth.api :as tc]
[ :refer [parse-date-only]]
[ :refer [symbol-list]]
[ :refer [import-series import-list]]
[tick.core :as t]
[tablecloth.api :as tc]
[tech.v3.dataset :as tds]
[tech.v3.datatype.functional :as dfn]
[modular.persist.protocol :as storage]
[ :refer [parse-date-only]]
[ta.helper.ds :refer [ds->map]]
[ :refer [symbol-list]]
[ :refer [import-series import-list]]
[ta.warehouse :as wh]
[ta.compress :as compress]
[ :as h]
[ta.nippy :as nippy]
[ta.multi.nav-trades :refer [portfolio]]
[demo.math :as math]))

;;; we will calculate seasonality by month.
;;; to calculate seasonality statistics we need a lot of years, since
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -37,11 +45,262 @@ ds-etf-since
;;; this explains difference between AFK and AGG

(def symbols (:symbol ds-etf-since))
(first symbols)
;; => "AAXJ"
(last symbols)
;; => "ZSL"

;;; we save timeseries for the seasonality statistics
;;; into a the dedicated warehouse :seasonality

(import-list :kibot
(:symbol ds-etf-since)
{:frequency "D"
:warehouse :seasonal}

(def midnight (t/time "00:00:00"))


(defn- year-start [year]
(t/new-date year 1 1)
(t/at midnight)))

(defn- year-end [year]
(t/new-date year 12 31)
(t/at midnight)))

(year-start 2001)
(year-end 2001)

(defn select-history-year [ds year]
(let [start (- year 10)
end (dec year)]
(h/select-rows-interval ds (year-start start) (year-end end))))

(defn select-current-year [ds year]
(h/select-rows-interval ds (year-start year) (year-end year)))

(defn returns [ds]
(let [chg (dfn/- (:close ds) (:open ds))
chg-p (dfn// chg (:open ds))
chg-p (dfn/* chg 100.0)]

(defn goodness [ds]
(let [stddev-n (dfn/* (:stddev ds) 0.1)]
(dfn/- (:mean ds) stddev-n)))

(defn current-year-rets [ds]
(-> ds
(tc/group-by [:month])
(tc/aggregate {:open (fn [ds]
(-> ds :open first))
:close (fn [ds]
(-> ds :close last))})))

(defn calc-seasonal-stats [ds]
;trailing 10 year window. Recalculated annually.
(-> ds
(tc/group-by [:month])
(tc/aggregate {:mean (fn [ds]
(-> ds returns math/mean))
:stddev (fn [ds]
(-> ds returns math/standarddev))

(def ds-empty (tc/dataset))

(defn seasonal-stats [symbol ds year]
;(println "calculating stats for: " symbol " year: " year)
(let [ds-history (select-history-year ds year) ; 10 prior years
ds-current (select-current-year ds year) ; current year
;_ (println "calc stats..")
stats (calc-seasonal-stats ds-history)
;_ (println "calc current..")
current (current-year-rets ds-current)
;_ (println "joining..")
;_ (println "stats: " stats)
;_ (println "current: " current)
;_ (println "current rows:" (tc/row-count current))
joined (if (> (tc/row-count current) 0)
(-> (tc/left-join stats current :month)
(tc/drop-columns [:right.month])
(tc/add-columns {:symbol symbol
:year year}))
;(println "returning joined..")

(require '[tech.v3.dataset.print :refer [print-range]])

(defn calc-stats-symbol [symbol]
;(println "calculating stats for: " symbol)
(let [ds-full (wh/load-series {:symbol symbol
:frequency "D"
:warehouse :seasonal})
ds-month (compress/compress-ds compress/add-date-group-col-month ds-full)
ds-month (h/add-year-and-month-date-as-local-date ds-month)
;(println "ds-month")
;(println ds-month)
;(println "ds-month :all" )
;(println (print-range ds-month :all))
(as-> ds-month
(for [year (range 2010 2024)]
(seasonal-stats symbol ds year))
(apply tc/concat ds)
(tc/set-dataset-name ds symbol)
(tc/drop-rows ds (fn [row] (nil? (:open row))))
(tc/drop-rows ds (fn [row] (nil? (:stddev row))))
(tc/add-columns ds {:goodness (goodness ds)})

;;; the stats-table for one symbol contains all the data
;;; required to generate trades later on.
(calc-stats-symbol "AAXJ")
(calc-stats-symbol "BSMP")

(defn ds-concat [ds-agg ds-1]
(if ds-agg
(tc/concat ds-agg ds-1)

(defn calc-stats-all
(reduce ds-concat (map calc-stats-symbol symbols)))
(calc-stats-all symbols)))

;;; calculate seasonal stats and save to nippy file.
;;; test with just 2 symbols, then 30 symbols, then all
(-> (calc-stats-all ["AAXJ" "ZSL"])
(nippy/save-ds "../../output/seasonal/small.nippy"))

(-> (calc-stats-all (take 30 symbols))
(nippy/save-ds "../../output/seasonal/30.nippy"))

(-> (calc-stats-all symbols)
(nippy/save-ds "../../output/seasonal/all.nippy"))

;Every month. Rebalance to best 10 seasonalities.

;; roundtrips

(def ds-stats (nippy/load-ds "../../output/seasonal/30.nippy"))

; :month :open :close :symbol :year :goodness

(defn stats-year-month [ds-stats year month nr-trades]
(-> ds-stats
(tc/select-rows (fn [row]
(and (= year (:year row))
(= month (:month row)))))
(tc/select-rows (fn [row]
(> (:goodness row) 0.0)))
(tc/order-by :goodness :desc)
(tc/head nr-trades)

(defn weekend? [dt]
(let [weekday (t/day-of-week dt)]
(or (= t/SATURDAY weekday)
(= t/SUNDAY weekday))))

(defn- date-entry [year month]
(let [dt (->
(t/new-date year month 1)
(t/at midnight))]
(if (weekend? dt)
(.plusDays dt 2)

(defn- date-exit [year month]
(let [dt (->
(t/new-date year month 1)
(.plusMonths 1)
(.plusDays -1)
(t/at midnight))]
(if (weekend? dt)
(.minusDays dt 2)

(date-entry 2023 04)
(date-entry 2023 05)
(date-exit 2023 04)
(date-exit 2023 05)

(defn row->trade [position-size {:keys [year month symbol open close]}]
{:symbol symbol
:side :long
:qty (int (/ position-size open))
:entry-date (date-entry year month)
:exit-date (date-exit year month)
:entry-price open
:exit-price close

(defn stats->trades [ds-stats year month number-trades]
(let [position-size (/ 100000.0 (+ 0.0 number-trades))]
(-> (stats-year-month ds-stats year month number-trades)
(tc/map-rows (partial row->trade position-size))
(tc/select-columns [:symbol :side :qty
:entry-date :exit-date
:entry-price :exit-price]))

(stats->trades ds-stats 2023 01 10)

(defn all-stats->trades [ds-stats number-trades]
(reduce ds-concat
(for [year (range 2010 2024)
month (-> 13 range rest)]
(stats->trades ds-stats year month number-trades))))

(def trades
(all-stats->trades ds-stats 10))


(def trades-edn
(into []
(tds/mapseq-reader trades)))

(storage/save :edn "../../output/seasonal/trades.edn" trades-edn)

(def nav (portfolio trades-edn))


(def nav-browser
{:nav (ds->map (:eff nav))
:warnings (:warnings nav)})

(with-meta (:nav nav-browser)
{:render-fn 'ta.viz.nav-vega/nav-vega})


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