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DOOM Emacs Configuration

This document is a work in progress 🚧 ⚠️

Table of contents

About DOOM Emacs

What DOOM Emacs is

DOOM Emacs is a several things.

It is an Emacs-lisp library, a set of functions and variables to help write configurations in a clear, readable, concise and modular way.

It is also a stock of pre-available configurations.

It is also a collection of executables to install it and update it.

It is not a fork of Emacs.

How configuring DOOM works

Configuring DOOM Emacs is done within a directory. Either it is ~/.doom.d or it is ~/.config/doom. Or any other directory really, as long as the $DOOMDIR environment variable is set to it.

The core file to have when using DOOM Emacs is init.el. It contains the list of DOOM modules that you want to enable. This file is kind of weird though because it’s not meant to talk to Emacs but to DOOM. After changing it, you need to run ~~/.emacs.d/bin/doom refresh~ (or ~~/.config/emacs/bin/doom~ I guess?)

If you have more stuff to tell Emacs, and at this point actually tell Emacs, you put your config in config.el (and maybe other files that you’d load from there if you want.)

If anything needs to be autoloaded, though, it has to go in its own file: autoloads.el.

That’s a few different files when you’d think one would suffice, but doing it this way allows for a number of optimizations, so Emacs launches fast.

About this document

This document is written in Org.

It is where I explain my configuration.

It is also the configuration.

All code blocks present in this document are extracted (or “tangled”) into the respective .el files I mentioned earlier.

All I have to do is make to regenerate all of the files from this Org document.

Tangled files

As stated, this document tangles a few .el files. More specifically the following files:

;;; init.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;;; packages.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;;; config.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-

Now, because I am tangling init.el, which should contain a single doom! expression, in such a way that I can introduce its content when relevant, I have to open this doom! block, and then close it at the end of the document. Because I don’t want to worry about the future regarding that, I don’t want the code block containing the opening doom! to refer to any module, and I don’t want to close the block in a code block containing any module either. So, now I’m going to open this doom! block and get started with configuring my damn editor.

                                        ; init.el

Okay now let’s do this.


It’s always a good thing to introduce oneself at some point. If what I’m doing is telling emacs to do things, I really ought to tell it my name and how to contact me.

                                        ; config.el
(setq user-full-name "Clément Busschaert"
      user-mail-address (concat "clement.busschaert" "@" ""))

Actually these variables are used from times to times when using GPG or other things like that. You never know when packages will need to know who you are.

Basic text manipulation

Modal editing (Vim without vim)

                                        ; init.el
:editor (evil +everywhere)

Repetition is for the weak

                                        ; init.el
:editor multiple-cursors

Autocode: Do-it-for-me

                                        ; init.el
:completion (company +childframe)
                                        ; init.el
:editor file-templates
                                        ; init.el
:editor (format +onsave)
                                        ; init.el
:editor rotate-text
                                        ; init.el
:editor snippets
                                        ; init.el
:emacs electric
                                        ; init.el
:tools rgb

Getting an outline


Step one, get the package.

                                        ; packages.el
(package! imenu-list)

Step two, use the package.

                                        ; config.el
(use-package! imenu-list
  :commands imenu-list-smart-toggle)

Step three, bind the command.

                                        ; config.el
(map! :map doom-leader-code-map
      :desc "List code items" "l" #'imenu-list-smart-toggle)


                                        ; config.el
(map! :map doom-leader-git-map
      :desc "SMerge" "m" #'+vc/smerge-hydra/body)


Window manipulation

Sometimes you want to keep a buffer in place. Sometimes you want that one window to keep that one buffer open.

I often use this feature to keep the magit-status buffer open in my VC workspace, or to keep a “compilation window” around.

Doom doesn’t offer that by default, so I took a snippet I found in spacemacs’ code, and used that.

                                        ; config.el
;; from
(defun toggle-window-dedication ()
  "Toggle dedication state of a window."
  (let* ((window    (selected-window))
         (dedicated (window-dedicated-p window)))
    (set-window-dedicated-p window (not dedicated))
    (message "Window %sdedicated to %s"
             (if dedicated "no longer " "")

Now we map that in the window keymap.

                                        ; config.el
(map! :map evil-window-map
      :desc "Set dedication" "t" #'toggle-window-dedication)
                                        ; init.el
:ui (window-select +switch-window)
                                        ; init.el
:ui workspaces
                                        ; config.el
(map! :leader
      :desc "IGNORED"                         "`"    nil
      :desc "Switch to last buffer"           "TAB"  #'evil-switch-to-windows-last-buffer
      :desc "layouts"                         "l"    doom-leader-workspace-map)

Outlines, sections, documentation

                                        ; init.el
:editor fold
                                        ; init.el
:tools (lookup +docsets)

File browsing

                                        ; init.el
:emacs dired


                                        ; init.el
:emacs ibuffer


Basic visual configuration

Making doom look like doom

Doom can look like vanilla emacs if you want to look like a very intelligent godlike being able to understand how to use emacs without help. I’m not that arrogant. I’m a hip kid, I want a slick design and a cool theme and the best font ever.

There are modules that make a lot of the heavy lifting in regards to visuals:

                                        ; init.el
:ui doom
:ui modeline

I think their names are quite evocative of what they configure, but for the kid in the last row with the yellow cap: doom enables doom-themes and modeline configures doom-modeline.

These modules do a good job by default, but there are a few things that need to be tweaked for me to have the bestest editing visual experience ever.

First: fonts

We want to configure two fonts: the monospace one, and the variable pitch one. I want both of them to be the same: the bestest font ever.

                                        ; config.el
(setq doom-font (font-spec :family "Comic Code" :size 13)
      doom-variable-pitch-font (font-spec :family "Comic Code"))

An additional module is available to support unicode characters like ‘恋犬’ or ‘ਕਤੂਰੇ’, which sometimes you do want to be able to see clearly.

                                        ; init.el
:ui unicode

Second: theme

The theme is just that one single variable doom-theme. I like Nova. Let’s use Nova.

                                        ; config.el
(setq doom-theme 'doom-nova)

Adjusting the feelings

Snappier hints

Which-key has this thing that describes available keybinds. It auto-opens a menu when you press a prefix key. For example, you press SPC and then you have this popup listing all the keys available as a follower to SPC.

                                        ; config.el
(setq which-key-idle-delay 0.5)

Relative line numbers

I like them, okay. I don’t know why. It just feels right.

                                        ; config.el
(setq display-line-numbers-type 'relative)

Global control

                                        ; init.el
:completion (ivy +childframe +fuzzy +icons)


                                        ; init.el
:ui doom-dashboard
                                        ; init.el
:ui hydra


                                        ; init.el
:ui doom-quit


                                        ; init.el
:ui fill-column
                                        ; init.el
:ui hl-todo
                                        ; init.el
:ui indent-guides
                                        ; init.el
:ui nav-flash
                                        ; init.el
:ui ophints
                                        ; init.el
:ui pretty-code
                                        ; init.el
:ui vc-gutter
                                        ; init.el
:ui vi-tilde-fringe

Zen mode

                                        ; init.el
:ui zen


                                        ; init.el
:emacs vc
                                        ; init.el
:tools magit

Running stuff

                                        ; init.el
:tools eval
                                        ; init.el
:checkers syntax
                                        ; init.el
:tools make


The absolute essential

Can’t fully use emacs to its full potential if you can’t edit emacs-lisp like a pro.

                                        ; init.el
:lang emacs-lisp

Programming languages


I like OCaml a lot.

                                        ; init.el
:lang ocaml


Oh boy if you don’t know this, look it up!

                                        ; config.el
(after! tuareg
  (add-hook! before-save #'ocamlformat-before-save)
  (add-hook! tuareg-mode
    (let ((ext (file-name-extension buffer-file-name t)))
      (cond ((equal ext ".eliom")
             (setq-local ocamlformat-file-kind 'implementation))
            ((equal ext ".eliomi")
             (setq-local ocamlformat-file-kind 'interface))))))

Web programming

                                        ; init.el
:lang javascript
                                        ; init.el
:lang web


                                        ; init.el
:lang python
                                        ; init.el
:lang rust
                                        ; init.el
:lang sh

Configs, Data, etc

                                        ; init.el
:lang data

Text and document authoring

                                        ; init.el
:lang latex
                                        ; init.el
:lang markdown
                                        ; init.el
:lang org


                                        ; init.el
:app calendar

Closing thoughts

                                        ; init.el
:config (default +bindings +smartparens)


Facelesspanda's doom configuration.






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