Http request auto validation library for spring framework
Check-Point depends on Jackson Json Processor, Project Lombok, Apache POI
Check-Point is a library that automatically checks the integrity of request messages that developers are most likely to miss during the spring project development.
Null check, minimum, maximum value of message.. You do not need to code anymore, just only need to click the checkbox on the setting page.
I realized that I was born into a person who can not fully handle message exceptions and developed this library.
compile group: 'com.github.ckpoint', name: 'check-point', version: '0.1.2'
- 1. Add Properties
- 2. Setting Api Controller Add
- 3. Add Annotation
- 4. Add Custom Validation Rule
- 5. Replace Validation Exception
- 6. Replace Object Mapper
- 7. Client and Validation Setting
- {} : for controller with UrlMapping annotation, save when new url recived.
- {ckpoint.max.deeplevel:5} : scan object default deep level
- {ckpoint.body.logging:true} : Whether the body of the request message is logged
- {ckpoint.password:taeon} : When connecting from the setting client, the authentication key value
- {ckpoint.path.repository:/checkpoint/validation.json} : The location of the json file where validation information will be stored
Add the controller to the project as shown below.
- The controller to be added must extends the MsgSettingController.
- You can also use RequestMapping annotation to set a unique address value to receive the configuration api.
public class CheckPointController extends MsgSettingController { }
- You can use the ValidationParam annotation to map a Request Parameter to Object.
public UserModel findUser(@ValidationParam BaseModel findModel) {
UserModel userModel = new UserModel();
return userModel;
- You can use the ValidationBody annotation to map a json body to Object.
public OrderModel createOrder(@ValidationBody OrderModel orderModel) {
return orderModel;
- If the url and method can not be mapped to 1: 1, you can add an UrlMapping annotation.
- If the {{}} property is true, it generates configuration data that maps to the request when a new url request is received.
- Setting the {{ckpoint.max.deeplevel}} property allows you to specify the depth of the object to be scanned at save time, and default value is 5
public void proxy(@ValidationParam ProxyModel proxymodel) {
- In addition to the basic rules, you can easily add a rule that does what you want.
- Define a class that implements BaseValidaitonCheck as shown below.
import hsim.checkpoint.core.component.validationRule.type.BaseValidationCheck;
import hsim.checkpoint.core.domain.ValidationData;
import hsim.checkpoint.exception.ValidationLibException;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus;
public class EmptyValueCheck implements BaseValidationCheck {
public boolean check(Object receiveValue, Object standardValue) {
if (receiveValue instanceof String) {
return !((String) receiveValue).isEmpty();
return false;
public Object replace(Object receiveValue, Object standardValue, ValidationData param) {
if (receiveValue instanceof String && ((String) receiveValue).isEmpty()) {
return standardValue;
return receiveValue;
public void exception(ValidationData param, Object inputValue, Object standardValue) {
throw new ValidationLibException("custom rule check error", HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);
- Then add the rule using CheckPointHelper as below and call flush at the end.
CheckPointHelper checkPointHelper = new CheckPointHelper();
checkPointHelper.addValidationRule("emptyValueCheck", StandardValueType.STRING, new EmptyValueCheck(), new AssistType().string());
- Define a class that implements ValidationInvalidCallback as shown below.
import hsim.checkpoint.core.component.validationRule.callback.ValidationInvalidCallback;
import hsim.checkpoint.core.domain.ValidationData;
import hsim.checkpoint.exception.ValidationLibException;
import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus;
public class MinSizeCallback implements ValidationInvalidCallback {
public void exception(ValidationData param, Object inputValue, Object standardValue) {
throw new ValidationLibException(param.getName() + " value minimum is " + standardValue + " but, input " + inputValue, HttpStatus.NOT_ACCEPTABLE);
- Then replace the callback using CheckPointHelper as below.
public void replaceMinSizeCallback(){
CheckPointHelper checkPointHelper = new CheckPointHelper();
checkPointHelper.replaceExceptionCallback(BasicCheckRule.MinSize, new MinSizeCallback());
- You can replace ObjectMapper, which is used for message parsing.
public void replaceObjectMapper(){
CheckPointHelper helper = new CheckPointHelper();
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
mapper.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false);
mapper.configure(DeserializationFeature.READ_UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUES_AS_NULL, true);
mapper.configure(SerializationFeature.FAIL_ON_EMPTY_BEANS, false);