My name is Cyprian (ˈsɪprɪən ). I am an IT professional experienced within many computer science fields. My background consists of both theoretical and applied computing knowledge. I provide effective solutions utilizing high- and low-level code approaches, currently especially in RPA area.
My love to computers began a long long time ago ;). The first computer I had was Atari on which I digged deep into LOGO - my first computing language. Then I jumped quickly into PCs computing world with my brand new Pentium 200 MMX, which I was very proud of at that time it was a mind blowing. Of course a first choice of all was beloved and famous ANSI C Language, which is in my opinion a god father of almost all modern languages.
Then there were roughly in sequence:
Linux bash scripting, C++, HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL, PostgreSQL align with PL/pgSQL, Assembler, Javascript, Turbo Pascal, UML, J2SE, J2EE, Spring, Hibernate, HQL, Junit, Typescript, MongoDB, Redis, Angular and Play Framework, SAP, Visual Basic, Python, OLEDB engine, UiPath, AA, Celonis, PQL...
Operating Systems: mainly Windows 10, Ubuntu and Alpine core kernels under Vagrant with VirtualBox provider, also some experience with Docker and Rabbit
Tools: IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, Sublime, Maven, Ant, Apache Tomcat, UMLGraph, Enterprise Architect,
Databases: MySQL InnoDB Engine, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Redis
Beloved Editors: Notepad++ (Windows), Geany (Linux)
Education: Bachelor Degree in Applied Computer Science
- Automation Anywhere Certified Advanced RPA Professional
- Celonis Certified Implementation Professional 2021/2022
To be continued....
How to reach me: Please feel free to contact me at [email protected].
Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do. --- Mr Bruce Lee ---
Technology just keeps racing forward - you can't change it.
Technology without business is just a hobby.
Cyprian in British English (ˈsɪprɪən )
- Adjective
- of or relating to Cyprus
- of or resembling the ancient orgiastic worship of Aphrodite on Cyprus
- Noun
- male name (it's me:man:)
- Saint. ?200–258 ad, bishop of Carthage and martyr. Feast day: Sept 26 or 16