All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
0.10.0 (2019-05-06)
Bug Fixes
- utils: fix typo of seperator to separator (b336968)
- types: add field of validSince in cell input of a transaction (54770fc)
- types: remove cellbase id from block header, remove cellbase from uncle block (96a1f53)
- types: update ckb-types (e6af3b5)
- utils: add blake160, bech32, blake160PubkeyToAddress, pubkeyToAddress (82121b3)
- utils: parseAddress returns bytes or hex string instead of words (aaad9c9)
- types: replace type of u64 with type of string in ckb-types, remove version field from script interface
- types: rpc interface updated, add field of validSince in cell input of a transaction
- types: block header and uncle block in rpc updated