Install zsh with apt. Install the zshrc with the below command:
ln -s ~/dotfiles/zshrc ~/.zshrc
Note that the zshrc assumes that the repository is located in ~/dotfiles
Install the latest emacs. I usually install from source to get the latest version. Prelude is present, but no longer maintained, so we use doom. To install:
ln -s ~/dotfiles/doom.d ~/.doom.d
ln -s ~/dotfiles/doomemacs ~/.emacs.d
The doom path is already set up as part of the zshrc setup. Run:
doom sync
Once you're in emacs, you'll need to install fonts with M-x nerd-icons-install-fonts
If you're going to install emacs manually, download it from the emacs mirror. On Ubuntu 22.04, you need to install a bunch of dependencies:
sudo apt install libx11-dev
sudo apt install libmagick++-dev
sudo apt install libxaw7-dev
sudo apt install libgccjit-11-dev # assuming GCC 11
sudo apt install libgif-dev gnutls-bin libtree-sitter-dev
sudo apt install libgnutls28-dev
sudo apt install libjansson-dev
sudo apt install libncurses-dev
sudo apt install libharfbuzz-dev
Then configure with:
./configure --with-xml2 --with-native-compilation --with-imagemagick --with-x-toolkit=lucid --with-json 'CFLAGS=-O2 -march=native -fomit-frame-pointer' --with-tree-sitter