Releases: cis3296f23/Orthography-Overlord
Releases · cis3296f23/Orthography-Overlord
Sprint #4 Release
What's Changed
- Updates by @amcginn92 in #134
- Added styling to modal by @amcginn92 in #136
- Timer Medals by @gummyfrog in #139
- UI update resolution by @tuk05348 in #141
- Hoverable definition button by @amcginn92 in #142
- Added tutorial slideshow feature by @mustafamalik-tu in #143
- Word difficulty improvement by @tuk05348 in #146
- Surprise! by @tuk05348 in #144
- Scoreboard rank improvement (Surprise!) by @tuk05348 in #147
- Word changes by @gummyfrog in #148
Full Changelog: v0.3.0...v1.0.0
Sprint #3 Release
What's Changed
- Score Page by @gummyfrog in #82
- Letters fall away after being input by @gummyfrog in #83
- Created an animation that starts on menu load and focuses the continu… by @amcginn92 in #67
- New Pr For Main-Menu by @amcginn92 in #85
- Minor improvements by @amcginn92 in #86
- Cirlces by @gummyfrog in #102
- Number of words feature by @mustafamalik-tu in #104
- Circles Refactor by @gummyfrog in #105
- Bugs fixed by @mustafamalik-tu in #108
- Timer feature by @mustafamalik-tu in #109
- Updated game to include timer toggle by @mustafamalik-tu in #110
- Feature server by @gummyfrog in #112
- New sound and animation for completing game by @mustafamalik-tu in #114
- Incorrect word protection/Documentation by @gummyfrog in #118
- Merge main into word-difficulty, refactor existing code into something compatible for main. by @tuk05348 in #119
- Word difficulty select feature ready to merge into main. by @tuk05348 in #120
- USER CSV upload support by @gummyfrog in #121
- Created Word Definition Lookup by @amcginn92 in #122
- Emergency fix for wordsets by @gummyfrog in #124
- Switch server to prod by @gummyfrog in #125
Full Changelog: v0.2.0...v0.3.0
Sprint #2 Release
Welcome to Orthography Overlord Release 2.
New Main Menu
Graphical Updates
Sound Effects
Additional Words
First Release
Merge pull request #21 from cis3296f23/Clean-Repo Clean Repo