(This document was created using https://www.makeareadme.com)
- Location: University of Leeds.
- Date: Tues 21st April 2020.
- Menedeley group folder for resource sharing.
- Early career researcher: Ciarán McInerney, PhD. (ORCID, Twitter, Staff profile)
- Draft workshop publication in PDF format, for viewing;
- Draft workshop publication in DOCX format, for comments; and
- Exemplar publication series on which the draft is based ("Michie et al_2017.pdf").
As an invitee to this folder, you are requested to undertake the following actions:
Before the workshop
- Review the draft publication;
- Suggest 3 citations relevant to the draft paper;
- Consider what your contributin to the publication could be (optional); and
- Upload any relevant literature to the Mendeley workshop series' group folder.
After the workshop
- Amend the draft publication DOCX in accordance with agreed actions from the workshop; and
- Upload any relevant literature to the Mendeley workshop series' group folder.