Nobody have time for that.
A PHP Laravel library for using the Danish NemID for authenticating a user.
I'm sure it can be used easily without laravel also. Feel free to contribute to improvements
- Preparing the parameters for the applet
- Validate the returned signature and the certificate chain
- Extract Name and PID
- Matching PID to CPR SOAP webservice
This is a rewrite of an original library for an older version of the applet in java
Original library can be found:
To become a nemid partner please follow this Link
You must then modify your composer.json
file and run composer update
to include the latest version of the package in your project.
"require": {
"nodes/nemid": "^1.0"
Or you can run the composer require command from your terminal.
composer require nodes/nemid:^1.0
Setup service provider in config/app.php
Publish config files
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Nodes\NemId\ServiceProvider"
If you want to overwrite any existing config files use the --force
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Nodes\NemId\ServiceProvider" --force
sudo apt-get install php7.0-bcmath
If your p12 file is password protected and the password holds special characters, see this stack overflow post
You got your p12 certificate now generate pem files, use following commands:
openssl pkcs12 -in path.p12 -out certificate.pem -clcerts -nokeys
NB: Remove the initial lines with Bag Attributes
if present.
Only the -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
, the base64 encoded certificate and -----END CERTIFICATE-----
are relevant.
openssl pkcs12 -in path.p12 -clcerts -out privateKey.pem
Openssl will prompt you for a PEM pass phrase
that will have to be set in your nemid.php
openssl pkcs12 -in path.p12 -out certificateAndPrivateKey.pem -chain
The -nodes
flag disables encryption and password protection of your certificates (it has nothing to do with Nodes).
If left out Openssl will prompt you for a PEM pass phrase
that will have to be set in your nemid.php
Now you have all the certificates needed -
Look in the config file for more help
#Login integration In the inspiration folder an example of how you can setup the login flow can be found.
First prepare parameters to inject into the iframe. By creating a Login object.
$login = new Login(config('nodes.nemid'));
Setup a html document with the iframe url, js with param data and a form for callbacks
The iframe will now submit the response to the form
The submitted data is base64 encoded, besides that all errors comes as string while successfully logins are xml documents
$response = base64_decode(\Input::get('response'));
Now validate the certificates and extract name and PID from it by initialize a CertificationCheck object
$userCertificate = new CertificationCheck(config('nodes.nemid'));
$certificate = $userCertificate->checkAndReturnCertificate($response);
Initialize a PidCprMatch object and call the function with pid and cpr params.
$pidCprMatch = new PidCprMatch(config('nodes.nemid'));
$response = $pidCprMatch->pidCprRequest($pid, $cpr);
A response object will be returned. The object has functions to to check match and possible errors
- The name
orPseudonym Pseudonym
will be used for version 1 of nemid users, which have not set their name afterwards