##Learning Competencies
- Implement user login and authentication.
Using Sinatra, create a user signin/signup and authenticate signed in users before displaying information. Start from the skeleton in the authentication
directory which contains a shell of database, views and controllers.
###Release 0 : Implement Sign In
Modify the skeleton code to achieve the following functionality:
- A user can SignUp for a new account with an email and password.
- User passwords are stored encrypted in the password-hash field. You may implement this yourself or use the
gem. - An existing user can SignIn
- If a user is not signed in, they only see a welcome message on the home page.
- If a user is signed in, they can see all users on the home page.
- A user can SignOut using the provided
route which is from a hidden field in the form. - A helper method
returns the current signed in user and is used to display appropriate SignIn / SignOut portions of the view. (This logic is already implemented in the view - you just need to finish the helper method).
###Release 1: Validation (optional) Demonstrate model validation, error messages, and user access levels.
- Add validation to the user model including password length and appropriately formated email.
- Display appropriate error messages to the user for invalid data.
Add a field to store user access level (Admin / Student) and limit functionality to different users leves. (ie an Admin can edit users but a Student can only see other users).