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Theme-Based Roadmap using Trello as the Backend

This is a simple theme-based roadmap using Trello as the backend. This means that you can manage your roadmap content using the simple, well-known interface of Trello boards while having a well-formatted, readonly roadmap for your presentations or to embbed on your website to provide transparency for your users.

Roadmap Preview

Getting Started


Install the dependencies:

yarn install

Set the environment variables:

cp .env.example .env

ℹ Open .env and set your trello credentials, board id, and preferenced style theme in the environment variables.

How do I get the id of my board?

Simply put .json at the end of your board's URL. In the displayed json, the board id waits for you at the very start of the document.

How to get credential for Trello?

The most simply way to retrieve your credentials is to open You will retrieve your personal API Key there (it is bound to your account, so it may be a good option to create and invite a custom technical user account to your roadmap board).

Once you received your API key, use it to open this URL<YOUR_API_KEY_HERE> to retrieve a OAuth token for read only access to your board.

How is the content to be organized on the Trello board?

Simply organize your board as in the following picture. Take care to name your lanes as shown to be displayed correctly in the roadmap.

Trello Roadmap HowTo

See how changes take effect:

Trello Roadmap HowTo GIF


Running locally:

yarn dev

The default port is 3000, so check http://localhost:3000/ or what your server is after startup.

Running in production:

yarn start


# run docker container in development mode
yarn docker:dev

# run docker container in production mode
yarn docker:prod

The default port is 3000, so check http://localhost:3000/ or what your server is after startup.



  • You can specify startup params (Trello credentials and board id) on Docker startup.
  • There is a public Docker container available.


  • You can use a Trello board to be rendered as the roadmap by specifying .env params.
  • Runnable in Docker

Project Structure

ℹ The following is only interesting for you if you are looking forward to modify things. The project is based on a fork of

 |--config\         # Environment variables and configuration related things
 |--controllers\    # Route controllers (controller layer)
 |--middlewares\    # Custom express middlewares
 |--routes\         # Routes
 |--services\       # Business logic (service layer)
 |--utils\          # Utility classes and functions
 |--app.js          # Express app
 |--index.js        # App entry point

Features of underlying Boilerplate

  • ES9: latest ECMAScript features
  • Logging: using winston and morgan
  • Error handling: centralized error handling mechanism
  • Process management: advanced production process management using PM2
  • Dependency management: with Yarn
  • Environment variables: using dotenv and cross-env
  • Security: set security HTTP headers using helmet
  • Santizing: sanitize request data against xss and query injection
  • CORS: Cross-Origin Resource-Sharing enabled using cors
  • Compression: gzip compression with compression
  • CI: continuous integration with Travis CI
  • Docker support
  • Code coverage: using coveralls
  • Code quality: with Codacy
  • Linting: with ESLint and Prettier
  • Editor config: consistent editor configuration using EditorConfig

Error Handling

The app has a centralized error handling mechanism.

Controllers should try to catch the errors and forward them to the error handling middleware (by calling next(error)). For convenience, you can also wrap the controller inside the catchAsync utility wrapper, which forwards the error.

const catchAsync = require('../utils/catchAsync');

const controller = catchAsync(async (req, res) => {
  // this error will be forwarded to the error handling middleware
  throw new Error('Something wrong happened');

The error handling middleware sends an error response, which has the following format:

  "code": 404,
  "message": "Not found"

When running in development mode, the error response also contains the error stack.

The app has a utility ApiError class to which you can attach a response code and a message, and then throw it from anywhere (catchAsync will catch it).

For example, if you are trying to get a user from the DB who is not found, and you want to send a 404 error, the code should look something like:

const httpStatus = require('http-status');
const ApiError = require('../utils/ApiError');
const User = require('../models/User');

const getUser = async (userId) => {
  const user = await User.findById(userId);
  if (!user) {
    throw new ApiError(httpStatus.NOT_FOUND, 'User not found');


Import the logger from src/utils/logger.js. It is using the Winston logging library.

Logging should be done according to the following severity levels (ascending order from most important to least important):

const logger = require('<path to src>/utils/logger');

logger.error('message'); // level 0
logger.warn('message'); // level 1'message'); // level 2
logger.http('message'); // level 3
logger.verbose('message'); // level 4
logger.debug('message'); // level 5

In development mode, log messages of all severity levels will be printed to the console.

In production mode, only info, warn, and error logs will be printed to the console.
It is up to the server (or process manager) to actually read them from the console and store them in log files.
This app uses pm2 in production mode, which is already configured to store the logs in log files.

Note: API request information (request url, response code, timestamp, etc.) are also automatically logged (using morgan).


Linting is done using ESLint and Prettier.

In this app, ESLint is configured to follow the Airbnb JavaScript style guide with some modifications. It also extends eslint-config-prettier to turn off all rules that are unnecessary or might conflict with Prettier.

To modify the ESLint configuration, update the .eslintrc.json file. To modify the Prettier configuration, update the .prettierrc.json file.

To prevent a certain file or directory from being linted, add it to .eslintignore and .prettierignore.

To maintain a consistent coding style across different IDEs, the project contains .editorconfig




A simple theme-based roadmap using Trello as the backend







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