Slurm bridge operator is a Kubernetes operator implementation, capable of submitting and monitoring slurm jobs, It acts as a proxy for the external slurm cluster in the k8s cluster
The slurm bridge operator consists of the following five components:
You’ll need a Kubernetes cluster and a Slurm cluster to run against.
- Clone the repo.
git clone
cd slurm-bridge-operator
- Install Slurm Bridge Operator CRDs.
maek install
###Build and push your image to the location specified by `IMG`.
make docker-build docker-push IMG=<some-registry>/slurm-bridge-operator:tag
###Deploy the slurm-bridge-operator to the cluster with the image specified by `IMG`.
make manager IMG=<some-registry>/slurm-bridge-operator:tag
- Build and install slurm agent on the slurm login node as a proxy between kubernetes and slurm cluster. The slurm-agent binary file will be build to bin/slurm-agent
make build
- Install configurator.
kubectl apply -f manifests/configurator.yaml
Please refer to the for more information.
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