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twitter-fusefs is a program to mount your twitter account as a filesystem.

Directory structure

When you run it it will generate the following directory structure:

direct_messages  followers/  friends/  README  replies  timeline  updates
favorites status


  • direct_messages: when 'read' will output your direct_messages
  • README: when 'read' will output some info about twitter-fusefs
  • replies: when 'read' will output your replies
  • timeline: when 'read' will output your timeline (with your friends)
  • updates: when 'read' will output your tweets, when 'written to' will create a new tweet with the msg
  • favorites: when 'read' will output your favorite tweets
  • status: when 'read' will output your status info


  • followers/: has a list of files, each with a follower's nick
  • friends/: has a list of files, each with a friend's nick

When 'read' from users' files will output his/her timeline, when 'written to' users' files will update your timeline adding @user.

Install and Use


First of all, install Ruby FuseFS (as far as I know, there's no ruby gem). There's a debian/ubuntu package though.

There's a ruby gem now, you should be able to get it if you have the github repository just doing sudo gem install chmeee-twitter-fusefs. This should install the twitter gem as well.

Otherwise, if you don't want to use a ruby gem you can do the following

  • Install the twitter gem: sudo gem install twitter
  • Download twitter-fusefs, uncompress


  1. Create a directory ~/.twitter with

    email: yourtwitteraccountmail

    password: yourcomplexpassword

  2. mkdir a directory where you want to mount

  3. twitter-fusefs yourdirectory

Please, note that this script does not require rubygems, as you may not be using it. If you do you'll have to tell ruby so. The best way I think is through

export RUBYOPT="rubygems"


twitter-fusefs is still in design and development. I'm still thinking about some of the details, so here's a to-do list:

  • [DONE] Use SSL
  • [DONE] Access user status: /status for the mounting user and 'maybe' /(followers|friends)/user_status for the rest of users
  • Unfollow people with rm on /friends
  • Follow with touch on /friends
  • Block with rm on /followers
  • Reformat the output of tweets and add more information (like time, app, in respond to, etc.)
  • Access to Twitter trends (whatever that is)
  • A way to finish the program gracely
  • [DONE] Produce a ruby-gem
  • [DONE] Make a github page for the project (quite empty atm)
  • Make tests!!! (I don't know how yet)
  • Make rdoc comments
  • A way to answer tweets
  • A way to send and reply to direct_messages
  • [DONE] Show favorites
  • Create favorites

Note on Patches/Pull Requests

  • Fork the project.
  • Make your feature addition or bug fix.
  • Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
  • Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
  • Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.


Copyright (c) 2009 chmeee. See LICENSE for details.


Access twitter as a filesystem







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