Auto Shrader Form Instructions:
#Setup(for first time use):
-Make sure you have Python3 installed
- Install google drive api, type the following into terminal: pip install --upgrade google-api-python-client google-auth-httplib2 google-auth-oauthlib
#How to use:
-Navigate to the directory that contains the files
-To run, type: Python3
-Then answer the questions
-Once done swiping the MCards, type quit
-Wait for the "Sucessfully Completed" message to appear
-Close terminal
-Automatically downloads and uploads files to google drive theta tau schrader form account
-Username: [email protected]
- Password: taubeta2019
-Auto-converts uploaded csv files to google sheets for convience
-Multi-swipe prevention: Prevents the same card from being swiped multiple times for the same attendance event