- create account in OpenAI Platform - https://platform.openai.com/docs/overview
- create account in Langsmith - https://www.langchain.com/langsmith
- Download Ollama - https://ollama.com/download
- Run in terminal:
This will download LLAMA 3.2 LLM.
ollama pull llama3.2
- Run in terminal:
This will install the application dependencies.
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Create .env file with the following variables
OPEN_AI_API_KEY=<insert OpenAPI key here> LANGCHAIN_TRACING_V2=<insert Langsmith key here> LANGCHAIN_ENDPOINT=<insert Langsmith key here> LANGCHAIN_API_KEY=<insert Langsmith key here> LANGCHAIN_PROJECT=<insert Langsmith key here>
- Run the web scraper & parquet reader in the terminal to capture the latest MSME financial information in the web and download the customer loan information provided
python jobs/load_to_chroma.py
streamlit run app.py
You can view the logs in Langsmith to backtrack the LLM responses and retrieved data