- Multi-skilled system software engineer with extensive experience in start-ups, medical devices, IoTs and wearable technologies
- Proficient with programming languages, integrations, and libraries
- Strong embedded system and, electronics design and prototyping skills
C, .NET C#, JAVA, Go (GoLang), Python, Kotlin, Objective C, Ruby, MATLAB, R
Ruby-on-Rails (5/6/7), Android Native, Software Defined Networking (SDN), OpenCV, Prefect
Bro/Zeek👁️, Suricata🐿️, Falco🦅, Tetragon🐝
ARM CORTEX M3/M4, ESP32 IDF, MSP430, BLE GATT, Altium STM32F103C, BlueGiga BLE112, Nordic nRF52840, MSP430FR
Firebase (Analytics, FCM, FireStore, Crashlytics), AWS (EC2, RDS, ECS, ECR, Fargage, SNS, R53), Fastlane, BuildKite, Docker, Ansible
Postgres, MSSQL, Kafka, Redis, InfluxDB, Timescale, ClickHouse
Payroll/CRM: PipeDrive, SalesForce, Xero, MYOB, Deputy, OpenAI API
- European Conference on Software Defined Networks (EWSDN), The Hague, Netherlands Oct 6, 2016
- a low-cost system comprising a commodity SDN switch and a commodity server, to identify and profile individual video flows at line-rate
- https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7956048
- USD872854S1: Inventor - Portable respirator https://patents.google.com/patent/USD872854S1
- US20200282242A1: Inventor - Portable personal respirator and use thereof https://patents.google.com/patent/US20200282242A1
Davinci Resolve, Adobe Lightroom