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Smart contracts

Addresses on kovan

  • CPT Token: 0x7C4b6E294Fd0ae77B6E1730CBEb1B8491859Ee24
  • NFT token: 0xAb50F84DC1c8Ef1464b6F29153E06280b38fA754
  • NFT Manager(mystery box): 0x0528E41841b8BEdD4293463FAa061DdFCC5E41bd
  • Item Factory: 0xFd3250eCDb1D067a9f0A4453b3BFB92e66f6f7ca
  • Random Generator: 0xA28D90320005C8c043Ee79ae59e82fDd5f983f30
  • Marketplace: 0xc60a6AE3a85838D3bAAf359219131B1e33103560

Mystery box artifacts format

0~7: boxType, len=8, 0-255
8~15: itemType, len=8, 0-255
16~31: itemId, len=16, 0-65535
32~47: Initial level, len=16, 0-65535
48~63: Initial experience, len=16, 0-65535
64~87: picId, len=24, the picture will save as itemId_picId.png, such as `3_12.png` it is the 12th pic in item#3
88~95: artifactId_1, len=8
96~111: artifactValue_1, len=16
112~119: artifactId_2, len=8
120~135: artifactValue_2, len=16

Max store: (256 - 88) / 24 = 7 artifacts

dna format

dna = bytes32(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(tokenId_, randomness_)));


  • method
  • return
  • explaination

    • 0x08: tokenId
    • 0x2607002106001705001604000c030009020001010000020046000700040101: see below:

    0x26 07 0021 06 0017 05 0016 04 000c 03 0009 02 0001 01 000092 0046 0007 0004 01 01

    offset lengh data memo
    0 8 01 BoxType=1
    8 8 01 ItemType=1
    16 16 0004 ItemId=4
    32 16 0007 InitialLevel=0x0007
    48 16 0046 InitialExperience=0x0046
    64 24 000092 NFT picId=0x000092
    88 8 01 artifactId=1
    96 16 0001 artificatValue=1
    112 8 02 artifactId=2
    120 16 0009 artifactId=9
    136 8 03 artifactId=3
    144 16 000c artificatValue=0x000c
    160 8 04 artifactId=4
    168 16 0016 artificatValue=0x0016
    184 8 05 artifactId=5
    192 16 0017 artificatValue=0x0017
    208 8 06 artifactId=6
    216 16 0021 artificatValue=0x0021
    232 8 07 artifactId=7
    240 16 0026 artificatValue=0x0026
  • note: artifacts data generally is for Game, normal NFT Dapp can neglect artifacts and no need to setup _addTypeArtifact in ItemFactory contract.

Config ItemFactory

  • Set Item scope and deploy
// Mystery Box
_supportedBoxTypes.add(1); // #1
_supportedBoxTypes.add(2); // #2 TODO

// ItemType
_supportedItemTypes.add(1); // ItemType#1, ChatPuppy NFT group#1
_supportedItemTypes.add(2); // ItemType#2, ChatPuppy NFT group#2, TODO

	6 types of eyes, artifact#1
	4 types of ear-ornament, artifact#2
	6 types of mouths, artifact#3
	6 types of caps, artifact#4
	6 types of cloths, artifact#5
	6 types of background colors, artifact#6
	6 types of skin colors, artifact#7
_addTypeArtifact(1, 1, 0, 5);  // ItemType#1,Artifact#1, 0-5
_addTypeArtifact(1, 2, 6, 10); // ItemType#1, Artifact#2, 6-10
_addTypeArtifact(1, 3, 11, 16); // ItemType#1, Artifact#3, 11-16
_addTypeArtifact(1, 4, 17, 22); // ItemType#1, Artifact#4, 17-22
_addTypeArtifact(1, 5, 23, 28); // ItemType#1, Artifact#5, 23-28
_addTypeArtifact(1, 6, 29, 34); // ItemType#1, Artifact#6, 29-34
_addTypeArtifact(1, 7, 35, 40); // ItemType#1, Artifact#7, 35-40
  • Add item and set rarity for each item
 * Add box#1, ItemType#1
 * item Id#1: name=PunkPuppy, rarity=30 (0.3%), level=10, experience=100
 * item Id#2: name=MuskPuppy, rarity=9000 (0.9%), level=9, experience=90
 * item Id#3: name=AlienPuppy, rarity=36000 (3.6%), level=8, experience=80
 * item Id#4: name=DogePuppy, rarity=270000 (27%), level=7, experience=70
 * item Id#5: name=ChatPuppy, rarity=682000 (68.2%), level=6, experience=60
itemFactory.methods.addItem(1, 1, 1, 3000, 10, 100).send();
itemFactory.methods.addItem(1, 1, 2, 9000, 9, 90).send();
itemFactory.methods.addItem(1, 1, 3, 36000, 8, 80).send();
itemFactory.methods.addItem(1, 1, 4, 270000, 7, 70).send();
itemFactory.methods.addItem(1, 1, 5, 682000, 6, 60).send();

Mint one mystery box(only contract manager can do), boxType).send();

Buy one mystery box and don't unbox(anybody can do)

  • Note: Using BNB/ETH while buying mystery box, but if trading on marketplace, must use ChatPuppyToken(CPT)

Buy one mystery box and unbox immediately(anybody can do)


Batch buy mystery box and mint(anybody can do)

nftManager.methods.buyAndMintBatch(boxType, amount).send();
  • Suggest not more than 3 mystery boxes once.

Batch mint mystery boxes (only contract manager can do)

nftManager.methods.mintBatch(userAddress, boxType, amount).send();

Unbox NFT(only mystery box's owner can do)

  • This method will call requestRandomNumber of ChainLinkRandomGenerator.sol, after random number issue, callback function fulfillRandomness will be executed. This process need several blockchain confirmation.

Get mystery box NFT status

  • return:
    • 2: still unboxing, that means the fulfillRandomness has not been executed.
    • 1: unboxed
    • 0: not boxed

Withdraw from NFT manager contract(only called by contract manager)

nftManager.methods.withdraw(toAddress, amount).send();

Get NFT metadata


add NFT to order list

First, you need to approve marketplace contract to use the NFT tokenId:

nft.methods.approve(marketplaceAddress, tokenId).send();

Then, addOrder

marketplace.methods.addOrder(tokenId, paymentToken, price).send();
  • paymentToken: use CPT token
  • price: '100000000000000000000' means 100 CPT

List all order details

	marketplace.methods.onSaleOrderCount().call().then((orderAccount) => { 
		console.log('onSaleOrderCount', orderAccount);
		for(let i = 0; i < orderAccount; i++) {
			marketplace.methods.onSaleOrderAt(i).call().then((orderId) => {
				console.log('orderId', orderId);
				marketplace.methods.orders(orderId).call().then((orderDetails) => console.log('orderId', orderId, 'details', orderDetails));

Unlist NFT from marketplace

  • Note: if an NFT was listed, it can not be transfered. If you want to transfer, must run cancelOrder to unlist.

Update NFT price(CPT Token) in marketplace

marketplace.methods.updatePrice(orderId, price).send();

Buy NFT by CPT token from marketplace

First, approve the marketplace contract use CPT token

cptToken.methods.approve(marketplaceAddress, amount).send();

Then, call matchOrder in marketplace contract

marketplace.methods.matchOrder(orderId, price).send();
  • Note: if buy or sell in the marketplace, must use CPT token.

Donation(crowd funding) and token vesting management

We need 2 pages

  • DONATE page

    show the donation UI and donate.

    • Get the donation start time from data = crowFundingParams(participant), get the start and end time from data.startTimestamp and data.endTimestamp. If the start time is later than now, show Not start. If the end time is earlier than now, show Already End.
    • Show the donation details
      • Total issued: total()
      • Issued amount of current participant type: getTotalAmountByParticipant(participant)
      • Total beneficiary count: getBeneficiaryCount
      • Beneficiary count of current participant type: getBeneficiaryCountParticipant
      • All releasable: releasable()
      • Releasable of current participant type: participantReleasable(participant)
      • Released of current participant type: participantReleased(participant)
      • RevokedAmount of all: revokedAmount
      • Current rate(price) of current participant type: getPriceForAmount
      • CrowdFunding params: data = crowFundingParams(participant)
        • Genesis time: data.genesisTimestamp
        • TGE Amount ratio: data.tgeAmountRatio / 100%
        • Cliff: from data.genesisTimestamp to data.genesisTimestamp + data.cliff
        • Duration: from data.genesisTimestamp to data.genesisTimestamp + data.cliff + data.duration
        • Era Basis: data.eraBasis
        • Start time: data.startTimestamp
        • End time: data.endTimestamp
        • Higest of each donation: data.highest
        • Lowest of each donation: data.lowest
        • Allow redeem: data.allowRedeem
        • Accept donamtion if amount over cap: data.acceptOverCap
      • Price table for different raising amount range: priceRange(participant)
        • column 1: fromAmount
        • column 2: price
        • Cap: getCap(participant)
    • Input text field: input BNB/ETH amount
    • Button:
      • Donate: crowFunding(participant)
  • DONATED page

    An account can not be more than one in one type of participant.

    Get your own beneficiary data by data = getBeneficiary(getIndex(participant, address))

    • Donated details:
      • Genesis time: data.genesisTimestamp
      • Date and time: data.timestamp
      • Total token amount: data.totalAmount
      • TGE Amount: data.tgeAmount
      • Cliff: from data.genesisTimestamp to data.genesisTimestamp + data.cliff
      • Duration: from data.genesisTimestamp to data.genesisTimestamp + data.cliff + data.duration
      • Era Basis: data.eraBasis
      • Status: data.status
      • rate(price): data.price
      • Donation amount(BNB/ETH): data.totalAmount / data.price
      • releasable: releasable()
      • released: released()
    • Buttons:
      • Release: release(participant)
      • Redeem: redeem(participant)

Token vesting smart contract

1- Only operated by owner

1.1 Update ERC20 token


1.2 Add beneficiary by owner

  • Normally, the admin will set the crowd funding params and price. The donators will pay BNB/ETH, and get the vesting token. Then the donators will release the token every era. But for the non-donation participants, the admin will add beneficiaries manully.

1.3 Start vesting of a beneficiary by owner

  • Before activation, the donator can not release, and can not get the releasable amount.

1.4 Start all beneficiaries' vesting by owner


1.5 Start a type of participants vesting by owner


1.6 Release all amount for all beneficiaries by owner

  • Note: make sure the token vesting contract address is authorized by CPT Token

1.7 Release all amount for a type of participants by owner


1.8 Forbiden a beneficiary to claim again by owner

  • This operation will not cancel the releasable and released amount.

1.9 Withdraw all revoked token from contract by owner


1.10 Get all beneficiaries data only by owner


1.11 Set croud funding params by owner


1.12 Add price and amount range for each phase by owner


1.13 Update price and amount range for each phase by owner


1.14 Withdraw ETH/BNB from contract by owner

withdrawCoin(to, amount)

1.15 Set redeem status by owner

setAllowRedeem(participant, status)

1.16 Update redeem fee (ex. 50 means 5%) by owner


2- Operated by all

2.1- Get methods

2.1.1 Get ERC20 token address


2.1.2 Get redeem fee rate (500 means 5%)


2.1.3 Get total amount


2.1.4 Get totol amount of all beneficiaries


2.1.5 Get count of all beneficiaries


2.1.6 Get count of beneficiaries from given participant


2.1.7 Get all releasable amount of all beneficiaries


2.1.8 Get releasable amount of a beneficiary


2.1.9 Get releasable amount of of a type of participants


2.1.10 Get all released amount of all beneficiaries


2.1.11 Get all released amount of a type of participants


2.1.12 Get is already in the beneficiaries list


2.1.13 Get beneficiary's index

getIndex(participant, beneficiaryAddress)

2.1.14 Get beneficiary by index


2.1.15 Get revoked amount


2.1.16 Get revoked and withdrawed amount


2.1.17 Get price for phase according to the raised amount

getPriceForAmount(participant, amount)

2.1.18 Get price range data of given participant for crowd funding


2.1.19 Get config of crowd funding of given participant


2.1.20 Get cap of given participant


2.2- Set methods buy beneficiary or donator

2.2.1 Release/claim by the beneficiary himself


2.2.2 CrowdFunding

  • This is payable function, pay ETH/BNB and get token benefit, the investor should claim the token then can get real token.

2.2.3 Redeem ETH/BNB to the token buyers by owner

redeem(participant, to)


smart contract






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