Python should be simple. Writing ~50 lines of code to create one buffer is not simple.
Morps attempts to simplify geoprocessing with Python. Using the terminal/command line interface, navigate to the directory storing the file.
to start the python shell and begin using morps
import morps
cities = "data/cities.shp"
cities_buffered = "data/cities_buffered.shp"
unit = 'miles'
format = 'shp'
or even simpler
Note: This library is built on top of GDAL, and is required to be installed in order for MORPS to work correctly. Find GDAL install instructions here. If you do not get errors when typing import ogr into the Python shell, you know that Python is configured and you are ready to use morps.
To install Morps, clone this repository or download the latest build from the Python Package Index. Unzip the file and open the terminal (or Windows Command Shell) and cd into the directory. Type the following command to install:
python install
If it installs with no errors, start the Python shell and attempt to import morps
import morps
All right, lets Merk some Morps!
- Buffer
- Contains
- Difference
- Disjoint
- Distance
- Equals
- Find Centroid
- Feature Count
- Get Feature Envelope
- Get Fields
- Get Layer Extent
- Get Unique Values
- Intersect
- Simplify
- Symmetric Difference
- Within
The code in this repo is also intended to demonstrate how one could utilize the OGR vector library within GDAL for performing basic geoprocessing tasks.
Other useful online resources for GDAL:
- Geoprocessing with Python using Open Source GIS-
- GDAL Homepage-
- OGR Classlist-
- OGR Hierarchy, super useful for understanding geometry features-
- OGR2OGR Cheatsheet-
- Converting spatial data using OGR2OGR-