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Cristiano Giovando edited this page Jan 23, 2015 · 1 revision

The following basic metadata schema is intended for the initial OAM release in which data sources are limited to optical RGB (or max 3-band) vertical aerial imagery. These datasets must be provided in georeferenced format with accuracy level compliant with ASPRS standards (insert reference here). Imagery should preferably be orthorectified.

Metadata Type Description Required
UUID string Universally unique identifier. The UUID should be unique to each datasource entered in the OAM index. If the same datasource is entered twice (e.g. updated) then it will have different UUID for each instance. Yes, assigned automatically by the system at submission.
DSID string A separate DSID (dataset ID?) could be used to group different versions of the same dataset. Yes
Title string Human friendly title of the datasource Yes
Description string Brief information about the datasource No
Projection string CRS of the datasource in EPSG format Yes
BBox XY pairs Pair of min and max coordinates in the CRS units Yes
Coverage polygon Datasource footprint. Can be in GML or GeoJSON format, describing the actual footprint of the imagery No
GSD double Average ground spatial distance (resolution) of the datasource imagery, expressed in meters Yes
License string Usage license of the datasource. This determines visibility of the datasource for authenticated users Yes
Contact string Name and email address of the data provider Yes
Type string Type of datasource: raw georeferenced file(s), WMS, TMS, MBTiles Yes
Source URI A list of endpoints which host or provided the datasource (e.g. pointer to TMS or WMS layer) Yes
Acquisition Timestamp Date when was a datasource produced (i.e. originally acquired by a satellite) Yes, automatic
Update Timestamp Date when was a datasource updated in the catalogue Yes, automatic
Status string status of the datasource (online/offline, not available, deleted) Yes, automatic
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