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Add support for fix external #28

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95 changes: 95 additions & 0 deletions examples/fix_external.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
using LAMMPS
using Test
using AtomsCalculators: potential_energy, forces
using AtomsBase
using AtomsBuilder
using ACEpotentials
using ExtXYZ
using AtomsBase: AbstractSystem
using LinearAlgebra: norm
using Unitful

lmp = LMP(["-screen", "none"])

command(lmp, "units lj")
command(lmp, "atom_style atomic")
command(lmp, "atom_modify map array sort 0 0")
command(lmp, "box tilt large")

# Setup box
x_hi = 10.0
y_hi = 10.0
z_hi = 10.0
command(lmp, "boundary p p p")
command(lmp, "region cell block 0 $x_hi 0 $y_hi 0 $z_hi units box")
command(lmp, "create_box 1 cell")

# Use `pair_style zero` to create neighbor list for `julia_lj`
cutoff = 2.5
command(lmp, "pair_style zero $cutoff")
command(lmp, "pair_coeff * *")
command(lmp, "fix julia_lj all external pf/callback 1 1")

if !isfile("")

Si_dataset = ExtXYZ.load("");

Si_tiny_dataset, _, _ = ACEpotentials.example_dataset("Si_tiny");

deleteat!(Si_dataset, 1);

hyperparams = (elements = [:Si,],
order = 3,
totaldegree = 8,
rcut = 2.5,
Eref = Dict(:Si => -158.54496821))
model = ACEpotentials.ace1_model(;hyperparams...);
solver = ACEfit.QR(lambda=1e-1)
data_keys = (energy_key = "dft_energy", force_key = "dft_force", virial_key = "dft_virial")
acefit!(Si_tiny_dataset, model;
solver=solver, data_keys...);
labelmap = Dict(1 => :Si)

@inline function compute_force(pos, types)
sys_size = size(pos, 2)
particles = [AtomsBase.Atom(ChemicalSpecies(labelmap[types[i]]), pos[:, i].*u"Å") for i in 1:sys_size]
cell = AtomsBuilder.bulk(:Si, cubic=true) * 3
sys = FlexibleSystem(particles, cell)
f = forces(sys, model)
return ustrip.(f)

@inline function compute_energy(pos, types)
sys_size = size(pos, 2)
particles = [AtomsBase.Atom(ChemicalSpecies(labelmap[types[i]]), pos[:, i].*u"Å") for i in 1:sys_size]
cell = AtomsBuilder.bulk(:Si, cubic=true) * 3
sys = FlexibleSystem(particles, cell)
energy = potential_energy(sys, model)
return ustrip(energy)

# Register external fix
lj = LAMMPS.PairExternal(lmp, "julia_lj", "zero", compute_force, compute_energy, cutoff, true, true)

# Setup atoms
natoms = 54
command(lmp, "labelmap atom 1 Si")
command(lmp, "create_atoms Si random $natoms 1 NULL")
positions = rand(3, natoms) .* 5
command(lmp, "mass 1 28.0855")
LAMMPS.scatter!(lmp, "x", positions)

command(lmp, "run 0")

# extract forces
forces_julia = gather(lmp, "f", Float64)

particles = [AtomsBase.Atom(ChemicalSpecies(labelmap[1]), positions[:, i].*u"Å") for i in 1:54]
cell = AtomsBuilder.bulk(:Si, cubic=true) * 3
sys = FlexibleSystem(particles, cell)
f = forces(sys, model)

49 changes: 47 additions & 2 deletions src/LAMMPS.jl
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Expand Up @@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ end

mutable struct LMP
@atomic handle::Ptr{Cvoid}
external_fixes::Dict{String, Any}

function LMP(args::Vector{String}=String[], comm::Union{Nothing, MPI.Comm}=nothing)
if !isempty(args)
Expand All @@ -67,7 +68,7 @@ mutable struct LMP

this = new(handle)
this = new(handle, Dict{String, Any}())
finalizer(close!, this)
return this
Expand All @@ -82,8 +83,10 @@ Shutdown an LMP instance.
function close!(lmp::LMP)
handle = @atomicswap lmp.handle = C_NULL
if handle !== C_NULL
return nothing

function LMP(f::Function, args=String[], comm=nothing)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -154,6 +157,7 @@ end
function extract_global(lmp::LMP, name, dtype=nothing)
if dtype === nothing
dtype = API.lammps_extract_global_datatype(lmp, name)
dtype == -1 && error("Could not find dataype for global $name")
dtype = API._LMP_DATATYPE_CONST(dtype)
type = dtype2type(dtype)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -198,6 +202,7 @@ function extract_atom(lmp::LMP, name,

if dtype === nothing
dtype = API.lammps_extract_atom_datatype(lmp, name)
dtype == -1 && error("Could not find dataype for atom $name")
dtype = API._LMP_DATATYPE_CONST(dtype)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -504,7 +509,47 @@ function _get_T(lmp::LMP, name::String)
error("Unkown per atom property $name")

function extract_setting(lmp, name)
val = API.lammps_extract_setting(lmp, name)
val == -1 && error("Could not find setting $name")
return val

function pair_neighbor_list(lmp, name, exact, nsub, request)
idx = API.lammps_find_pair_neighlist(lmp, name, exact, nsub, request)
if idx == -1
error("Could not find neighbor list for pair $(name)")
return idx

function fix_neighbor_list(lmp, name, request)
idx = API.lammps_find_fix_neighlist(lmp, name, request)
if idx == -1
error("Could not find neighbor list for fix $(name)")
return idx

neighbors(lmb::LMP, idx, element)

Given a neighbor list `idx` and the element therein,
return the atom index, and it's neigbors.
function neighbors(lmp, idx, element)
r_iatom = Ref{Cint}()
r_numneigh = Ref{Cint}()
r_neighbors = Ref{Ptr{Cint}}(0)

API.lammps_neighlist_element_neighbors(lmp, idx, element - 1, r_iatom, r_numneigh, r_neighbors)

return Int(r_iatom[]), Base.unsafe_wrap(Array, r_neighbors[], r_numneigh[]; own = false)


end # module
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions src/api.jl
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Expand Up @@ -390,6 +390,10 @@ function lammps_flush_buffers(ptr)
ccall((:lammps_flush_buffers, liblammps), Cvoid, (Ptr{Cvoid},), ptr)

# function lammps_fix_external_set_energy_peratom(handle, id, eng)
# ccall((:lammps_fix_external_set_energy_peratom, liblammps), Cvoid, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{Cchar}, Ptr{Cdouble}), handle, id, eng)
# end

function lammps_free(ptr)
ccall((:lammps_free, liblammps), Cvoid, (Ptr{Cvoid},), ptr)
Expand Down
141 changes: 141 additions & 0 deletions src/external.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
function fix_external_callback end

mutable struct FixExternal

function FixExternal(lmp::LMP, name::String, callback)
if haskey(lmp.external_fixes, name)
error("FixExternal has already been registered with $name")

this = new(lmp, name, callback)
lmp.external_fixes[name] = this # preserves pair globally

ctx = Base.pointer_from_objref(this)
callback = @cfunction(fix_external_callback, Cvoid, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Int64, Cint, Ptr{Cint}, Ptr{Ptr{Float64}}, Ptr{Ptr{Float64}}))
API.lammps_set_fix_external_callback(lmp, name, callback, ctx)

# Ensure function is compiled before timestep 0
if !precompile(this.callback, (FixExternal, Int, Int, Int, Vector{Int32}, Matrix{Float64}, Matrix{Float64}))
@warn "Failed to precompile the callback" this.callback
return this

FixExternal(callback, lmp::LMP, name::String) = FixExternal(lmp::LMP, name::String, callback)

function fix_external_callback(ctx::Ptr{Cvoid}, timestep::Int64, nlocal::Cint, ids::Ptr{Cint}, x::Ptr{Ptr{Float64}}, fexternal::Ptr{Ptr{Float64}})
fix = Base.unsafe_pointer_to_objref(ctx)::FixExternal
nlocal = Int(nlocal)

nghost = Int(extract_global(fix.lmp, "nghost"))

@debug "Calling fix_external_callback on" fix timestep nlocal
shape = (nlocal+nghost, 3)
x = unsafe_wrap(x, shape)
fexternal = unsafe_wrap(fexternal, shape)
ids = unsafe_wrap(ids, (nlocal+nghost,))

# necessary dynamic
fix.callback(fix, timestep, nlocal, nghost, ids, x, fexternal)
return nothing

function energy_global!(fix::FixExternal, energy)
API.lammps_fix_external_set_energy_global(fix.lmp,, energy)

function neighbor_list(fix::FixExternal, request)
fix_neighbor_list(fix.lmp,, request)

function virial_global!(fix::FixExternal, virial)
API.lammps_fix_external_set_virial_global(fix.lmp,, virial)

# virial_global!
# function virial_global!(fix::FixExternal, )

const SBBITS = 30
sbmask(atom) = (atom >> SBBITS) & 3
const special_lj = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0 ,0.0]

function virial_fdotr_compute(fexternal::Matrix{Float64}, x::Matrix{Float64}, nall)
#TODO: discuss include_group flag
virial = Array{Float64}(undef, 6)
for i in 1:nall
virial[1] = fexternal[1, i] * x[1, i]
virial[2] = fexternal[2, i] * x[2, i]
virial[3] = fexternal[3, i] * x[3, i]
virial[1] = fexternal[2, i] * x[1, i]
virial[2] = fexternal[3, i] * x[1, i]
virial[3] = fexternal[3, i] * x[2, i]
return virial

function PairExternal(lmp, name, neigh_name, compute_force::F, compute_energy::E, cut_global, eflag, vflag) where {E, F}
cutsq = cut_global^2
function pair(fix::FixExternal, timestep::Int, nlocal::Int, nghost::Int, ids::Vector{Int32}, x::Matrix{Float64}, fexternal::Matrix{Float64})
# Full neighbor list

idx = pair_neighbor_list(fix.lmp, neigh_name, 1, 0, 0)
nelements = API.lammps_neighlist_num_elements(fix.lmp, idx)
newton_pair = extract_setting(fix.lmp, "newton_pair") == 1
# special_lj = extract_global(fix.lmp, "special_lj")
type = LAMMPS.extract_atom(lmp, "type", API.LAMMPS_INT, nlocal+nghost)::Vector{Int32}

# zero-out fexternal (noticed some undef memory)
fexternal .= 0
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Is this necessary? At least it allows me to use += later.

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Yes and no. The expectation for the design of fix external is that it is used to couple some other software that can compute forces to LAMMPS, feed the atom positions and (global) indexes to it and let it compute the forces. Those are then copied to the fexternal array. Typically the program would have its own input file(s) and read the topology and initial geometry from that and then the data from fix external is used to update the positions (hence the atom-IDs since the order in the local arrays can change all the time) and then compute the forces.

So if you collect your forces in a buffer of your own, you only need to copy them. If you want to collect them directly into the array passed from LAMMPS you need to zero it out first.

Another item to take care of are forces between pairs of atoms that straddle subdomain boundaries (or periodic domain boundaries in case you run in serial). You cannot return forces on "ghost" atoms so you either have to use a full neighbor list (have each pair listed twice) or use "newton off" so that pairs across domain boundaries are listed twice and then store forces only with local atoms (hence the passing of nlocal). The alternative would be to implement some communication.

At this point, it is probably a good idea to read through sections 4.1 to 4.6 here:
Fix external is called at the "post_force" step.

energies = zeros(nlocal)

#API.lammps_fix_external_set_energy_peratom(fix.lmp,, energies)
x = gather(lmp, "x", Float64)

for ii in 1:Int(nelements)
# local atom index (i.e. in the range [0, nlocal + nghost)
types = []
iatom, neigh = LAMMPS.neighbors(lmp, idx, ii)
pt = []
iatom += 1 # 1-based indexing
xtmp, ytmp, ztmp = view(x, :, iatom) # TODO SArray?
append!(types, type[iatom])
push!(pt, x[:, iatom])
incut = 1
for jj in 1:length(neigh)
jatom = Int(neigh[jj])
jatom &= NEIGHMASK
jatom += 1 # 1-based indexing
jtype = type[jatom]
delx = xtmp - x[1, jatom]
dely = ytmp - x[2, jatom]
delz = ztmp - x[3, jatom]
rsq = delx*delx + dely*dely + delz*delz
if rsq < cutsq
append!(types, jtype)
push!(pt, x[:, jatom])
incut += 1
fexternal[:, iatom] = compute_force(reshape(pt, (3, incut)), types)[1]
if eflag
energies[iatom] = compute_energy(reshape(pt, (3, incut)), types)[1]
if eflag
API.lammps_fix_external_set_energy_peratom(fix.lmp,, energies)
energy_global!(fix, sum(energies))
if vflag
virial = virial_fdotr_compute(fexternal, x, nlocal+nghost)
FixExternal(pair, lmp, name)