Cloud Run service using a Node JS webserver to handle PubSub messages triggered by pushing an object to a Cloud Storage Bucket
- Authenticate with Google Cloud using 'gcloud auth login'
- Create project in console
- Set the following permissions for the user:
- roles/artifactregistry.admin
- roles/resourcemanager.projectIamAdmin
- roles/run.admin
- roles/pubsub.admin
- roles/iam.serviceAccountAdmin
- roles/iam.serviceAccountUser
- roles/serviceusage.serviceUsageAdmin
- roles/storage.admin
- roles/logging.admin
- PROJECT_ID - Your project ID in GCP
- STORAGE_BUCKET - The storage bucket name you wish to use
- TOPIC - Name of PubSub Topic to be created
- SUB - Name of PubSub Subscription to be created
- ARTIFACT_REGISTRY - Name the registry you wish to create or use
- SERVICE_NAME - Name of Cloud Run service to be created
- PROJECT_ID - Your project ID in GCP
- STORAGE_BUCKET - The storage bucket name you wish to use
- Run to trigger service: