Simple tool to locate electoral constituency for voting and candidate details.
Constituency shapefiles sourced from datameet maps and hosted on Mapbox
Mapbox tilesets
- India Electoral Boundaries
x- Parliamentary Constituencies
- Assembly Constituencies
- 2019 Polling schedule
- Parliamentary Constituencies
Constituency details API use Mapbox Tilequey API
Place locations and street level details are from the OpenStreetMap Project. Data updates on OSM are reflected on the map in a week.
Basemap showing constituency boundaries with street details designed in Mapbox Studio.
Mapbox GL JS style id planemad/cjoescdh20cl62spey0zj3v19
Get the code and start the development server with live preview. Requires node.
git clone
cd electionmap
npm install
npm run start
If you made changes to the js
scripts, do npm run build
to compile the final javascript file to js/dist
and commit them before publishing. Do NOT make changes directly to files inside the dist/