Awesome Mutator is a Kubernetes mutating webhook that dynamically modifies pod specifications based on custom rules defined in a ConfigMap. It can add or remove node selectors, tolerations, and other configurations to match specific conditions.
- helm upgrade --install -n castai-agent awesome-mutator oci://
- Dynamic Mutations: Modify pod specifications on-the-fly based on configurable rules.
- Node Selectors and Tolerations: Add or remove node selectors and tolerations to influence pod scheduling.
- ConfigMap Driven: Easily update mutation rules without changing the webhook code.
- Fail-Open Mechanism: Ensures that pod creation continues even if the webhook encounters errors.
- Kubernetes Cluster: A running Kubernetes cluster.
- kubectl: Command-line tool to interact with the Kubernetes cluster.
- Docker: To build and manage container images.
- Kubernetes Python Client: Used to interact with the Kubernetes API.
INFO:awesome_mutator:Loaded mutation rules from ConfigMap: [{'name': 'rule1', 'podSelector': 'app=myapp,environment=prod', 'removeNodeSelectors': ['disktype'], 'addNodeSelectors': {'': 'test-mut-nt'}}, {'name': 'remove-agentpool-for-canyon', 'podSelector': 'app=canyon', 'removeNodeSelectors': ['agentpool'], 'addNodeSelectors': {'': 'test-mut-nt-3'}, 'addTolerations': [{'key': '', 'operator': 'Equal', 'value': '', 'effect': 'NoSchedule'}]}]
INFO: Application startup complete.
The k8s folder also contains 2 test pods with various labels and node selectors. Once the webhook is up, it will mutate according to the rules in the config map.
- Rules stop on first match
- Rules are matched by label selector using podSelector (and operation)
- Rules will remove NodeSelecor by name using removeNodeSelectors
- Rules will add NodeSelector using details of addNodeSelectors
- Rules will add Tolerations using the details of addTolerations
An example of an applied rule from the logs:
INFO:awesome_mutator:Received mutation request
INFO:awesome_mutator:Filtered object metadata: {'name': 'test-pod-agentpool', 'namespace': 'default', 'labels': {'app': 'canyon'}, 'annotations': {'': '{"apiVersion":"v1","kind":"Pod","metadata":{"annotations":{},"labels":{"app":"canyon"},"name":"test-pod-agentpool","namespace":"default"},"spec":{"containers":[{"image":"nginx","name":"nginx"}],"nodeSelector":{"agentpool":"copprfpool"}}}\n'}}
INFO:awesome_mutator:Filtered pod spec: {'volumes': [{'name': 'kube-api-access-cm4xs', 'projected': {'sources': [{'serviceAccountToken': {'expirationSeconds': 3607, 'path': 'token'}}, {'configMap': {'name': 'kube-root-ca.crt', 'items': [{'key': 'ca.crt', 'path': 'ca.crt'}]}}, {'downwardAPI': {'items': [{'path': 'namespace', 'fieldRef': {'apiVersion': 'v1', 'fieldPath': 'metadata.namespace'}}]}}], 'defaultMode': 420}}], 'containers': [{'name': 'nginx', 'image': 'nginx', 'resources': {}, 'volumeMounts': [{'name': 'kube-api-access-cm4xs', 'readOnly': True, 'mountPath': '/var/run/secrets/'}], 'terminationMessagePath': '/dev/termination-log', 'terminationMessagePolicy': 'File', 'imagePullPolicy': 'Always'}], 'tolerations': [{'key': '', 'operator': 'Exists', 'effect': 'NoExecute', 'tolerationSeconds': 300}, {'key': '', 'operator': 'Exists', 'effect': 'NoExecute', 'tolerationSeconds': 300}], 'priority': 0}
INFO:awesome_mutator:Created V1Pod object for pod: test-pod-agentpool
INFO:awesome_mutator:Creating JSON patches for pod: test-pod-agentpool
INFO:awesome_mutator:Checking if pod matches selector 'app=myapp,environment=prod': False
INFO:awesome_mutator:Checking if pod matches selector 'app=canyon': True
INFO:awesome_mutator:Pod matches rule 'remove-agentpool-for-canyon': Applying mutations
INFO:awesome_mutator:Added patch to create nodeSelector
INFO:awesome_mutator:Adding node selector ' test-mut-nt-3'
INFO:awesome_mutator:Adding toleration: {'key': '', 'operator': 'Equal', 'value': '', 'effect': 'NoSchedule'}
INFO:awesome_mutator:Stopping rule evaluation after applying rule 'remove-agentpool-for-canyon'
INFO:awesome_mutator:Generated patches: [{'op': 'add', 'path': '/spec/nodeSelector', 'value': {}}, {'op': 'add', 'path': '/spec/nodeSelector/', 'value': 'test-mut-nt-3'}, {'op': 'add', 'path': '/spec/tolerations/-', 'value': {'key': '', 'operator': 'Equal', 'value': '', 'effect': 'NoSchedule'}}]
INFO:awesome_mutator:Sending admission response
INFO: - "POST /mutate?timeout=10s HTTP/1.1" 200 OK
- Unit Tests + Mocks
- Change to CRD's versus ConfigMap
- Create helm chart to install and operate