CLI for creating QR codes
pbpaste | vqrcode
pbpaste | vqrcode -o > qrcode.png
pbpaste | vqrcode --svg | pbcopy
pbpaste | vqrcode --svg > qrcode.svg
vqrcode 'hello' # print qrcode as ascii to console
vqrcode 'hello' --svg -s "pointed" # print qrcode in svg, with "pointed" style
vqrcode 'hello' --svg > qrcode.svg # output qrcode to file
vqrcode 'hello' -o qrcode.png # output qrcode to png file (only support png)
vqrcode 'hello' --svg | pbcopy # output qrcode to clipboard
vqrcode 'hello' --svg -l ./logo.png | pbcopy # output qrcode with custom logo to clipboard
vqrcode 'hello' -l ./logo.png -o ./qrcode.png # output qrcode with custom logo to file
--ecl -e | Error correction level 0...3
--style -s | qrcode style, values: "round", "pointed", "sharp", "square", "circle" or "dot"
--finder -f | finder pattern style, values: "round", "pointed", "sharp", "square", "octagon" "circle" or "dot"
--logo -l | path to image to embed on qrcode
--size | Size in pixels, valid when the output is image
--svg | Output to svg
--output -o | Output to png
brew install carlosqsilva/brew/vqrcode
0) Install vlang, and add to your path
the following dependencies are required to output in png:
brew install librsvg cairo // MacOs homebrew
apt install librsvg2-dev libcairo2-dev // linux package manager
git clone
cd vqrcode/
just build
v -cc gcc \
-cflags "$(pkg-config --cflags librsvg-2.0 cairo)" \
-ldflags "$(pkg-config --libs librsvg-2.0 cairo)" \
-prod vqrcode.v
After that you will get a ready-made binary file in the root directory of the project.