the following configurations are mandatory to be present on your dotnet secret.json or on appsettings.json
"StorageAccountConfiguration": {
"AzureCognitiveServicesConfig": {
"TranslatorUrl": "<URL>",
"TranslatorApiKey": "<API_KEY>",
"TranslatorRegion": "<REGION>"
"RebusQueueSettings": {
"TranslatorWebAppQueue": "<QUEUE_NAME>"
an azure translator service should be deployed on your azure subscription in order to retrive the TranslatorUrl, TranslatorApiKey and the TranslatorRegion
for the storage account you can use azurite to run it locally, or deploy an isntace on your azure subscription
on the docs folder there is a postman collection to test the endpoints
to be able to run the test suite you will need to have docker installed and it's deamon running on background the project also contains a github action yml file, so you will be able to build and test the project on the a github repo