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Releases: capsule-corp-ternoa/nft-marketplace
Releases · capsule-corp-ternoa/nft-marketplace
- Recent NFTs on sale displayed on NFTs data lack
- Return added to useEffect to avoid memory leaks
- Long bio on artist banner is scrollable
- Correct amount of followers display next to avatar when user is not logged
- Artist highlight section on homepage
- next/image used for NFTs and user pictures
- Animated loader
- Upload icon added to NFT preview label
- Shimmer placeholder added on image load
- New eslint/prettier config
- Default lang set to 'en'
- Title added to anchors
- Hydration warnings fixed
- NftCards grid displayed 6 items per row in xxl breakpoint
- Toggle a dislike maintain the correct data length on loadMore
- Nft likes updated stored user likedNFTs
- Contrast increased on protect watermark
- Loader centered on owners/history tabs
- Fix date format in history tab
- Fix cards overlapping
- Replace giga unit by billion in compute caps function
- Footer always will be at the bottom of an empty page
- Scale animation persists on NftCard hover
- Hero selected NFT reset to the second NFT on next link page refresh
- Details tab reset on NFT page change
- Avoid null twitter name on Avatar
- Vertical scroll allowed over Showcase3D on mobile
- next/script used instead of next/head in _app.tsx
- New filters on the Explore page: categories, creation date, price, type of sale
- New sort options on the Explore page: most liked, most viewed, most sold, most sold series, creation date, price
- New sections added to the homepage: "Trending artists"and "Top sellers"
- New redux wrapper added as HOC on top of MyApp (next _app) component
- User is now handled in redux
- Dynamic marketplace parameters such as name, logo, url or socials urls are loaded in SSR as initial props in MyApp
- New footer design
- New generic Modal container
- New modals ModalCheckout & ModalShowcase
- Emoji mapping for categories
- Next 12.1 upgrade
- Tiime token data removed
- Correct data used on the homepage for the "Best sellers" and "Most popular" sections
- styled-components used in the entire app instead of css modules
- Design system colors/fonts/shadows used accross the entire app
- ArtistProfile is now a dedicated component
- FollowAvatar is now a dedicated component
- ClickAway listener added on Select ui component
- Loader fixed
- Improve global layout consistency, GRID_MODE adjusted
- New profile page
- New artist page
- Logout added on dropdown menu
- Redux
- Add NFTs total amount next to explore title
- ProfileMenuDropdown component created
- Creator component replaced with Avatar ui component
- Design system improved
- Remove dollar price on testnet
- Socials links removed from footer, only Twitter and Instagram are kept
- Default pagination limit set to 12
- NFTs are now ordered by date of creation
- Improve data fetching and counts for NFTs
- Add contrast no availability chips
- Minting NFTs won't import files to IPFS if user has not enough funds
- Fingerprint secret logo is not overlapped with scale icon
- NFT loader on IOS / Safari
- PGP error preventing from minting NFTs (Please try again message)
- Cache params to requests
- Add locked series data to nft data (field: seriesLocked)
- Homepage hero component
- Added confirmation on copy paste
- Thumbnail selection when preview NFT is a video (on desktop)
- Improved socket events
- Improved socket events message handling
- Number displayed on cards depending on marketplace
- Copy paste on dapp
- Bug when PNG NFTs where created with blurred / protect effect
- UI on IOS (missing icons and NFT details available label bug)
- If on dapp, share button will use native mobile share
- Protect badge position on NFT creation with blur effect
- Specific buying mode for VR NFTs
- Ability to click on specific owner NFT in NFT details owner's tab
- On NFTs creation you can specify any seriesId you own (or any you want to create) to associate same NFTs
- You can now specify categories when you create an NFT
- Categories are specific to marketplaces, meaning that categories added on SecretNFT will be only for secretNFT
- NFT details page shows if NFT is a capsule
- History tab on NFT details is now showing real data
- Success screen after buying / creating NFT(s)
- "By the same artist" section in NFT details page
- To comply with standards, if a preview is of type video, app will generate a thumbnail
- Link to Ternoa explorer to view transactions
- Refactor API calls
- In owner's tab, NFTs are sorted by listed / marketplace Id / price
- App now shows NFTs event if owner is not in db
- Updated dependencies
- NFT Metadata are changed to be compatible with opensea like marketplaces
- Removed "keep in touch" from app footer
- Change design of create page
- Change card design