QuickVariants is a fast and accurate variant identification tool, designed to summarize allele information from read alignments without discarding or filtering the data.
Requirement: Java
Please download the latest QuickVariants here
You may install java by conda install conda-forge::openjdk
You may install java and QuickVariants by conda install caozhichongchong::quick-variants
QuickVariants can be found at $Conda_env_location/bin/quick-variants-VERSION.jar
java -Xms10g -Xmx10g -jar quick-variants-VERSION.jar [--out-vcf <out.vcf>] [--out-mutations <out.txt>] --reference <ref.fasta> --in-sam <input.sam> --num-threads num_threads [options]
This command converts a SAM file to other formats, most notably .vcf.
--reference <file>
: The reference to use. Should be in .fasta/.fa/.fna or .fastq/.fq format or a .gz of one of those formats.
Output formats
Summary by reference position, mutation, genome, and raw output are possible.
- Options for output files, mutation counts, exclusion of non-mutations, and more.
Summary by reference position
--out-vcf <file>
output file to generate containing a description of mutation counts by position--vcf-exclude-non-mutations
if set, the output vcf file will exclude positions where no mutations were detected--distinguish-query-ends <fraction>
(default 0.1) In the output vcf file, we separately display which queries aligned at each position with of the end of the query and which didn't.
Summary by mutation
--out-mutations <file>
output file to generate listing the mutations of the queries compared to the reference genome -
--distinguish-query-ends <fraction>
(default 0.1) When detecting indels, only consider the middle of each query -
--snp-threshold <min total depth> <min supporting depth fraction>
(default 5, 0.9) The minimum total depth and minimum supporting depth fraction required at a position to report it as a point mutation -
--indel-start-threshold <min total depth> <min supporting depth fraction>
(default 1, 0.8) The minimum total (middle) depth and minimum supporting depth fraction required at a position to report it as the start of an insertion or deletion -
--indel-continue-threshold <min total depth> <min supporting depth fraction>
(default 1, 0.7) The minimum total (middle) depth and minimum supporting depth fraction required at a position to report it as a continuation of an insertion or deletion -
--indel-threshold <min total depth> <min supporting depth fraction>
Alias for --indel-start-threshold and --indel-continue-threshold
Summary by genome
--out-refs-map-count <file>
the output file to summarize the number of reads mapped to each combination of references
Raw output
--out-sam <file>
the output file in SAM format -
--out-unaligned <file>
output file containing unaligned reads. Must have a .fasta or .fastq extension -
if no output is requested, skip writing output rather than throwing an error
-v, --verbose
output diagnostic information -
more diagnostic information -
set verbosity flags dynamically and automatically based on the data and alignment
Multiple output formats may be specified during a single run; for example:
out.sam --out-unaligned out.fastq
--num-threads <count>
number of threads to use at once for processing. Higher values will run more quickly on a system that has that many CPUs available.
java -jar quick-variants-1.1.0.jar --out-vcf Fig4Example1.vcf --reference examples/Fig4/reference.fasta --in-sam examples/Fig4/Example1/90.sam
java -jar quick-variants-1.1.0.jar --out-vcf Fig4Example2.vcf --reference examples/Fig4/reference.fasta --in-sam examples/Fig4/Example2/86.sam
java -jar quick-variants-1.1.0.jar --out-vcf Fig5Example1.vcf --reference examples/Fig5/reference.fasta --in-sam examples/Fig5/Example1/99.sam
java -jar quick-variants-1.1.0.jar --out-vcf Fig5Example2.vcf --reference examples/Fig5/reference.fasta --in-sam examples/Fig5/Example2/102.sam
java -jar quick-variants-1.1.0.jar --out-vcf Fig5Example3.vcf --reference examples/Fig5/reference.fasta --in-sam examples/Fig5/Example3/9.sam
java -jar quick-variants-1.1.0.jar --out-vcf Fig5Example4.vcf --reference examples/Fig5/reference.fasta --in-sam examples/Fig5/Example4/47.sam
java -jar quick-variants-1.1.0.jar --out-vcf Fig6Example1.vcf --reference examples/Fig6/reference.fasta --in-sam examples/Fig6/Example1/88.sam
java -jar quick-variants-1.1.0.jar --out-vcf Fig6Example2.vcf --reference examples/Fig6/reference.fasta --in-sam examples/Fig6/Example2/90.sam
java -jar quick-variants-1.1.0.jar --out-vcf Fig6Example3.vcf --reference examples/Fig6/reference.fasta --in-sam examples/Fig6/Example3/9.sam
- You can compare your results to pre-generated VCF files located in example/test_results/.
python QuickVariants_Pointmutationfilter.py -i Your_QuickVariants_Output_Folder
python QuickVariants_Indelfilter.py -i Your_QuickVariants_Output_Folder
minimum allele frequencyrd
minimum read depth- Testing
unzip test_vcf.zip
python QuickVariants_Pointmutationfilter.py
python QuickVariants_Indelfilter.py
The benchmark_scripts
folder contains code used to construct the benchmark dataset, filter SNPs and indels in VCF files, and analyze VCF files.
: Insert in silico mutations and indels randomly into reference genomes, and generate alignment code.SNPfilter.py
: Filter SNPs in VCF files generated by QuickVariants and bcftools.Indelfiter.py
: Filter indels in VCF files generated by QuickVariants and bcftools, and summarize the number of false positives and false negatives for each dataset.SNP_model_compare.py
: Summarize the number of false positive and false negative SNPs for each dataset.VCFAnalysis.ipynb
: Code to analyze point mutations and indels detected from benchmark datasets.COVID_MG.ipynb
: Code to analyze point mutations and indels detected from SARS-COV-2 sewage MG real data.
Analyzing benchmark datasets used in this study
Please download benchmark datasets here
Requirements: bowtie2, bwa, minimap2,
samtools, bcftools, python3, jupyter notebook
-Gut microbiome WGS data with in silico mutations
python SNP_model_covid.py -i Gut_microbiome_benchmark/original_data -o Gut_microbiome_benchmark/
python SNPfilter.py -i Gut_microbiome_benchmark/
python Indelfilter.py -i Gut_microbiome_benchmark/
python SNP_model_compare.py -i Gut_microbiome_benchmark/
Point mutations detected: Gut_microbiome_benchmark/SNP_model/merge/*final.txt and Gut_microbiome_benchmark/SNP_model/merge/model.sum.txt
Indels detected: Gut_microbiome_benchmark/SNP_model/merge/*indel.vcf.filtered and Gut_microbiome_benchmark/SNP_model/merge/modelindelsum.txt
-SARS-COV-2 WGS data with in silico mutations
python SNP_model_covid.py -i COVID_benchmark/original_data -fa .fasta -fq _1.fastq -o COVID_benchmark/
python SNPfilter.py -i COVID_benchmark/
python Indelfilter.py -i COVID_benchmark/
python SNP_model_compare.py -i COVID_benchmark/
-WGS data simulated with sequencing errors
python SNP_model_covid.py -i WGS_simulation_sequencingerror/original_data -fa .fasta -fq _1.fq -o WGS_simulation_sequencingerror/
python SNPfilter.py -i WGS_simulation_sequencingerror/
python Indelfilter.py -i WGS_simulation_sequencingerror/
python SNP_model_compare.py -i WGS_simulation_sequencingerror/
-MG data simulated with sequencing errors (20X)
python SNP_model_covid.py -i MG_simulation_sequencingerror/original_data -fa .fasta -fq _1.fq -o MG_simulation_sequencingerror/
python SNPfilter.py -i MG_simulation_sequencingerror/
python Indelfilter.py -i MG_simulation_sequencingerror/
python SNP_model_compare.py -i MG_simulation_sequencingerror/
-MG data simulated with sequencing errors (100X)
python SNP_model_covid.py -i MGBIG_simulation_sequencingerror/original_data -fa .fasta -fq _1.fq -o MGBIG_simulation_sequencingerror/
python SNPfilter.py -i MGBIG_simulation_sequencingerror/
python Indelfilter.py -i MGBIG_simulation_sequencingerror/
python SNP_model_compare.py -i MGBIG_simulation_sequencingerror/
-SARS-COV-2 sewage MG real data
python SNP_model_covid.py -i COVID_MGSW/original_data -fa .fasta -fq _1.fq -o COVID_MGSW/
python SNPfilter.py -i COVID_MGSW/
python Indelfilter.py -i COVID_MGSW/
python SNP_model_compare.py -i COVID_MGSW/