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feat(windows-agent): Remove all writes to registry, and remove virtua…
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…lization exception (#374)

With the recent changes in #369, we no longer need to write to the

There is one behavior change here: setting the registry as read-only no
longer has any effect on the program. Until now, it was an implicit
message from the administrator to UP4W to block attempts to modify the


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EduardGomezEscandell authored Nov 20, 2023
2 parents 87dacae + f6f239a commit 972ad3e
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Showing 22 changed files with 185 additions and 452 deletions.
9 changes: 4 additions & 5 deletions agentapi/agentapi.proto
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,13 +19,12 @@ message ProAttachInfo {

message SubscriptionInfo {
string productId = 1; // The ID of the Ubuntu Pro For Windows product on the Microsoft Store.
bool immutable = 2; // True if the user is not allowed to modify the subscription.

oneof subscriptionType {
Empty none = 3; // There is no active subscription.
Empty user = 4; // The subscription is managed by the user with a pro token from the GUI or the registry.
Empty organization = 5; // The subscription is managed by the sysadmin with a pro token from the registry.
Empty microsoftStore = 6; // The subscription is managed via the Microsoft store.
Empty none = 2; // There is no active subscription.
Empty user = 3; // The subscription is managed by the user with a pro token from the GUI or the registry.
Empty organization = 4; // The subscription is managed by the sysadmin with a pro token from the registry.
Empty microsoftStore = 5; // The subscription is managed via the Microsoft store.

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74 changes: 30 additions & 44 deletions agentapi/dart/lib/src/agentapi.pb.dart
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -106,7 +106,6 @@ enum SubscriptionInfo_SubscriptionType {
class SubscriptionInfo extends $pb.GeneratedMessage {
factory SubscriptionInfo({
$core.String? productId,
$core.bool? immutable,
Empty? none,
Empty? user,
Empty? organization,
Expand All @@ -116,9 +115,6 @@ class SubscriptionInfo extends $pb.GeneratedMessage {
if (productId != null) {
$result.productId = productId;
if (immutable != null) {
$result.immutable = immutable;
if (none != null) {
$result.none = none;
Expand All @@ -138,20 +134,19 @@ class SubscriptionInfo extends $pb.GeneratedMessage {
factory SubscriptionInfo.fromJson($core.String i, [$pb.ExtensionRegistry r = $pb.ExtensionRegistry.EMPTY]) => create()..mergeFromJson(i, r);

static const $core.Map<$, SubscriptionInfo_SubscriptionType> _SubscriptionInfo_SubscriptionTypeByTag = {
3 : SubscriptionInfo_SubscriptionType.none,
4 : SubscriptionInfo_SubscriptionType.user,
5 : SubscriptionInfo_SubscriptionType.organization,
6 : SubscriptionInfo_SubscriptionType.microsoftStore,
2 : SubscriptionInfo_SubscriptionType.none,
3 : SubscriptionInfo_SubscriptionType.user,
4 : SubscriptionInfo_SubscriptionType.organization,
5 : SubscriptionInfo_SubscriptionType.microsoftStore,
0 : SubscriptionInfo_SubscriptionType.notSet
static final $pb.BuilderInfo _i = $pb.BuilderInfo(_omitMessageNames ? '' : 'SubscriptionInfo', package: const $pb.PackageName(_omitMessageNames ? '' : 'agentapi'), createEmptyInstance: create)
..oo(0, [3, 4, 5, 6])
..oo(0, [2, 3, 4, 5])
..aOS(1, _omitFieldNames ? '' : 'productId', protoName: 'productId')
..aOB(2, _omitFieldNames ? '' : 'immutable')
..aOM<Empty>(3, _omitFieldNames ? '' : 'none', subBuilder: Empty.create)
..aOM<Empty>(4, _omitFieldNames ? '' : 'user', subBuilder: Empty.create)
..aOM<Empty>(5, _omitFieldNames ? '' : 'organization', subBuilder: Empty.create)
..aOM<Empty>(6, _omitFieldNames ? '' : 'microsoftStore', protoName: 'microsoftStore', subBuilder: Empty.create)
..aOM<Empty>(2, _omitFieldNames ? '' : 'none', subBuilder: Empty.create)
..aOM<Empty>(3, _omitFieldNames ? '' : 'user', subBuilder: Empty.create)
..aOM<Empty>(4, _omitFieldNames ? '' : 'organization', subBuilder: Empty.create)
..aOM<Empty>(5, _omitFieldNames ? '' : 'microsoftStore', protoName: 'microsoftStore', subBuilder: Empty.create)
..hasRequiredFields = false

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -189,57 +184,48 @@ class SubscriptionInfo extends $pb.GeneratedMessage {
void clearProductId() => clearField(1);

$core.bool get immutable => $_getBF(1);
Empty get none => $_getN(1);
set none(Empty v) { setField(2, v); }
set immutable($core.bool v) { $_setBool(1, v); }
$core.bool hasNone() => $_has(1);
$core.bool hasImmutable() => $_has(1);
void clearNone() => clearField(2);
void clearImmutable() => clearField(2);
Empty ensureNone() => $_ensure(1);

Empty get none => $_getN(2);
Empty get user => $_getN(2);
set none(Empty v) { setField(3, v); }
set user(Empty v) { setField(3, v); }
$core.bool hasNone() => $_has(2);
$core.bool hasUser() => $_has(2);
void clearNone() => clearField(3);
void clearUser() => clearField(3);
Empty ensureNone() => $_ensure(2);
Empty ensureUser() => $_ensure(2);

Empty get user => $_getN(3);
Empty get organization => $_getN(3);
set user(Empty v) { setField(4, v); }
set organization(Empty v) { setField(4, v); }
$core.bool hasUser() => $_has(3);
$core.bool hasOrganization() => $_has(3);
void clearUser() => clearField(4);
void clearOrganization() => clearField(4);
Empty ensureUser() => $_ensure(3);
Empty ensureOrganization() => $_ensure(3);

Empty get organization => $_getN(4);
Empty get microsoftStore => $_getN(4);
set organization(Empty v) { setField(5, v); }
set microsoftStore(Empty v) { setField(5, v); }
$core.bool hasOrganization() => $_has(4);
$core.bool hasMicrosoftStore() => $_has(4);
void clearOrganization() => clearField(5);
void clearMicrosoftStore() => clearField(5);
Empty ensureOrganization() => $_ensure(4);

Empty get microsoftStore => $_getN(5);
set microsoftStore(Empty v) { setField(6, v); }
$core.bool hasMicrosoftStore() => $_has(5);
void clearMicrosoftStore() => clearField(6);
Empty ensureMicrosoftStore() => $_ensure(5);
Empty ensureMicrosoftStore() => $_ensure(4);

class DistroInfo extends $pb.GeneratedMessage {
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20 changes: 9 additions & 11 deletions agentapi/dart/lib/src/agentapi.pbjson.dart
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -39,11 +39,10 @@ const SubscriptionInfo$json = {
'1': 'SubscriptionInfo',
'2': [
{'1': 'productId', '3': 1, '4': 1, '5': 9, '10': 'productId'},
{'1': 'immutable', '3': 2, '4': 1, '5': 8, '10': 'immutable'},
{'1': 'none', '3': 3, '4': 1, '5': 11, '6': '.agentapi.Empty', '9': 0, '10': 'none'},
{'1': 'user', '3': 4, '4': 1, '5': 11, '6': '.agentapi.Empty', '9': 0, '10': 'user'},
{'1': 'organization', '3': 5, '4': 1, '5': 11, '6': '.agentapi.Empty', '9': 0, '10': 'organization'},
{'1': 'microsoftStore', '3': 6, '4': 1, '5': 11, '6': '.agentapi.Empty', '9': 0, '10': 'microsoftStore'},
{'1': 'none', '3': 2, '4': 1, '5': 11, '6': '.agentapi.Empty', '9': 0, '10': 'none'},
{'1': 'user', '3': 3, '4': 1, '5': 11, '6': '.agentapi.Empty', '9': 0, '10': 'user'},
{'1': 'organization', '3': 4, '4': 1, '5': 11, '6': '.agentapi.Empty', '9': 0, '10': 'organization'},
{'1': 'microsoftStore', '3': 5, '4': 1, '5': 11, '6': '.agentapi.Empty', '9': 0, '10': 'microsoftStore'},
'8': [
{'1': 'subscriptionType'},
Expand All @@ -52,12 +51,11 @@ const SubscriptionInfo$json = {

/// Descriptor for `SubscriptionInfo`. Decode as a `google.protobuf.DescriptorProto`.
final $typed_data.Uint8List subscriptionInfoDescriptor = $convert.base64Decode(

@$core.Deprecated('Use distroInfoDescriptor instead')
const DistroInfo$json = {
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