Listen to some podcast while you're on the road!
Through hours of tutorials and learning tricks here and there, I've learned many new features and coded it Programmatically & XIBs
Brian Voong also known for his YouTube channel Lets Build That App creates great swift content, most of it written programmatically, and shows how certain UIKit classes work.
Here's his YouTube Link!
IDE: Xcode (NEEDED TO OPEN) Language&Version: Swift 4.2 Xcode used to develop for mainly, macOS, iOS, watchOS, and tvOS. **REQUIREMENTS THAT ARE IMPORTANT TO PLAY A PODCAST OR BE EFFICIENT ARE LISTED BELOW**
$ git clone
- FeedKit used to parse RSS, ATOM, or JSON feed. Install =>
- AlamoFire is a networking library written in swift. Install => Could be outdated.
- iTunes Search API Look Up =>
- Decodable
- URLEncoding Request
- SDWebImage helps cache images easily.
- Cell UI in XIB
- AVPlayer can play podcast episodes
- Max & Minimizing player animation
- UIPanGestureRecognizer To drag the player screen and able to dismiss is via translation.
- Background Audio Playback Able to listen to podcast while app is closed.
- UICollectionViewController
- UIStackView
- Tab Bar Badge Value The tab will be notified of podcast download and will alert the user.
- UserDefaults NSCoding
- Track Podcast Playback Time
- Volume Control
- Monitor Download Progress
- Sometimes the play button when tapped may not play at all. Working on it.
- While listening to your favorite podcast there is a possibility that an incoming phone call may cause a crash.
- AlamoFire (Could be outdated)
- More UI Designs coming.