Development started during SomaRumorII sound art residence. It's in a somewhat constant development. A first demo performance can be seen at this link, along side with other SomaRumorII resident works.
caminhooculto is a sculpture inspired by a old game with the same name (Caminho Oculto). In this game your objective is to free the biggest piece of the game only by moving the quadrilateral pieces of different formats (the image bellow shows the starting position of the game's pieces and the hole which the biggest piece must be moved through).
The sculpture was planned to retain most of the game's characteristics but change the game's objective, which becomes generating visual patterns with the quadrilateral pieces that activate processes of audio synthesis and processing, with a code developed in SuperCollider.
For that, the sculpture uses 8 LDRs (light dependent resistors) and plastic pieces of different colors and transparency levels, cut also in quadrilateral formats. The plastic pieces allow the control of the luminosity values measured by the LDRs. Those values are then used to identify the visual patterns formed with the quadrilateral plastic pieces as well as to control the sound processes programmed.
The code developed, besides being responsible for the sounds, has a huge role in the gaming aspect of the project, recycling from time to time the possible patterns and their related processes, forcing a constant interaction with the sculpture in a search for new visual patterns and sound manipulation.
This project is deticated to my grandfather, that loves playing Caminho Oculto, is the one who showed me this game and laughed at me many times before I could solve it.