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Code to process outputs and compute higher-order clustering.
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dhaw authored Feb 28, 2020
1 parent cf6cfa9 commit b6dbed6
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Showing 2 changed files with 478 additions and 0 deletions.
345 changes: 345 additions & 0 deletions src/rcode/networkProcessing.R
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@@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
RPdistributions <- function(Node_connection_within_household,

#Get HH>1 locations from within HH network:
W <- Node_connection_within_household
W1 <- W[, c("V1", "V2", "V3")]
W2 <- W[, c("V4", "V5", "V6")]
colnames(W1) <- c("node", "long", "lat")
colnames(W2) <- c("node", "long", "lat")
net <- rbind(W1, W2)
net <- net[!duplicated(net$node), ]
longs <- matrix(NA, max(net$node), 1)
longs[net$node, ] <- net$long

#Workplace network
B <- Node_connection_between_household
colnames(B) <- c("nodei", "longi", "lati","nodej", "longj", "latj")

#B1 <- B[,c(1,2,3)]
#B2 <- B[,c(4,5,6)]
#Replace longj/all with value taken from net
B$longi <- net$long[B$nodei]
B$lati <- net$lat[B$nodei]
B$longj <- net$long[B$nodej]
B$lati <- net$lat[B$nodei]

dlat <- abs(B$latj-B$latj)*111
dlong <- abs(B$longi-B$longj)*110
distances <- sqrt(dlat^2+dlong^2)
h <- hist(distances, breaks=seq(0,1,.02),xlim=c(0,1),ylim=c(0,6*10^5),main=fname)


RPHHnet <- function(Node_connection_within_household,
#Dissolve HH intp table of HHs and members:
H <- Node_connection_within_household

alpha <- 0
alpha <-1#"Within" in wrong format - some missing due to no wp connections
if (alpha==1){
B <- Node_connection_between_household
colnames(B) <- c("V1", "V2", "V3","V4", "V5", "V6")
B1 <- B[, c("V1", "V2", "V3")]
B2 <- B[, c("V4", "V5", "V6")]
colnames(B1) <- c("node", "long", "lat")
colnames(B2) <- c("node", "long", "lat")
net <- rbind(B1, B2)
net <- net[!duplicated(net$node), ]
numnodes <- max(net$node)

Hdata <- data.frame(seq(1,numnodes))
Hdata$lat[net$node] <- net$long
Hdata$lat[net$node] <- net$lat

longs <- matrix(NA, max(net$node), 1)
longs[net$node, ] <- net$long
#Workplace network
B <- Node_connection_between_household
colnames(B) <- c("nodei", "longi", "lati","nodej", "longj", "latj")
#Replace longj/all with value taken from net
B$longi <- net$long[B$nodei]
B$lati <- net$lat[B$nodei]
B$longj <- net$long[B$nodej]
B$lati <- net$lat[B$nodei]

H1 <- H[,1:3]
H2 <- H[,4:6]
colnames(H1) <- c('node', 'c1', 'c2')
colnames(H2) <- c('node', 'c1', 'c2')
Hfull <- rbind(H1,H2)
Hlocs <- unique(Hfull[, c('c1', 'c2')])
Hlocs[, 'hh'] <- 1:nrow(Hlocs)

Hall <- merge(Hfull, Hlocs, by=c('c1','c2'))
Hindex <- Hall[, c('node', 'hh')]
Hindex <- unique(Hindex)#node and household index

maxind <- max(Hindex$node)
v1 <- seq(1, maxind, 1)
v2 <- rep(0, maxind)
v <- data.frame(v1, v2)
colnames(v) <- c('node', 'household')
v$household[Hindex$node] <- Hindex$hh
maxhh <- max(Hindex$hh)
#Take care of hh size 1:
hh1 <- which(v$household==0)
lh1 <- length(hh1)
if (lh1>0) {
v$household[hh1] <- seq(maxhh+1, maxhh+lh1, 1)

#Find links between HHs:
W <- Node_connection_between_household
W1 <- W[, 1:3]
W2 <- W[, 4:6]
colnames(W1) <- c('node', 'c1', 'c2')
colnames(W2) <- c('node', 'c1', 'c2')

X <- W[, c(1, 4)]
X[, 1] <- v$household[X[, 1]]
X[, 2] <- v$household[X[, 2]]

write.csv(X, fname)


RPcombine <- function(Node_connection_within_household,
within <- Node_connection_within_household[, c("V1", "V4")]
between <- Node_connection_between_household[, c("I", "J")]
colnames(within) <- c("I", "J")
net <- rbind(within, between)
#Option to write CSV with (i,j) pairs:
#write.csv(net, "gos5p5.csv")
#Create matrix
#net <- net[-which(net[, 1]<net[, 2]), ]
numNodes <- max(net)

G <- sparseMatrix(net$I, net$J, x=1, dims=c(numNodes, numNodes), symmetric = TRUE)

#G <- cbind(c(net$I, net$J),c(net$J, net$i))
#colnames(G) <- c("I", "J")
#G %>% distinct()
RPcombine <- G


RPmcluster <- function(G,N){
#Change/option to loop through N and output hist/stats for each value
G@x[G@x>1] <- 1
n <- nrow(G)
#eps <- .01
#bins <- seq(0, eps, 1)
measureA <- matrix(list(), N, 1)
measureB <- measureA
measureA[[1, 1]] <- G
measureB[[1, 1]] <- G
A <- G
B <- G
X <- matrix(0, n, 1)
#Standard clustering:
for (i in 1:n){
vi <- A[i, ]
vfind <- which(vi==1)
lv <- length(vfind)
Wi <- B[vfind, vfind]
X[i, 1] <- sum(upper.tri(Wi, diag=FALSE))/(lv*(lv+1)/2)
#N-clustering, N>=2
for (i in 2:N){
nextA <- A%*%G
#nextA <- subset(nextA, select=-diag(nextA))
diag(nextA) <- 0
nextA@x[B@x==1] <- 0
nextA@x[nextA@x>1] <- 1
nextB <- B+nextA
nextB@x[nextB@x>1] <- 1
measureA[[i, 1]] <- nextA
measureB[[i, 1]] <- nextB
A <- nextA
B <- nextB
Ax <- measureA[[N, 1]]
#subset(Ax, select=-diag(Ax))
diag(Ax) <- 0
Bx <- measureB[[N, 1]]
#subset(Bx, select=-diag(Bx))
diag(Bx) <- 0
B1 <- measureB[[1, 1]]
BNm1 <- measureB[[N-1, 1]]
for (i in 1:n){#N=1 - this loop with Bx=A - can't use BNm1
vi <- Bx[i, ]
vfind <- which(vi==1)
lv <- length(vfind)
Wi <- Bx[vfind, vfind]
X[i, 1] <- sum(upper.tri(Wi, diag=FALSE))/(lv*(lv+1)/2)
#m-clustering for whole network:
RPmcluster <- X
#Summary stats:
RPmclusterStats <- c(mean(X, na.rm=TRUE), var(X, na.rm=TRUE), quantile(X, c(0, .05, .25, .5, .75, .95, 1), na.rm=TRUE))


#MATLAB: RPmclusterSample:
RPmclusterSampleStats <- function(G,mmax,sampleNumber){
#G must be simple: undirected with no self loops
N <- mmax#Just in case - variable re-named
#G@x[G@x>1] <- 1
n <- nrow(G)
v <- sample(n, sampleNumber, replace=FALSE)#v is indices
lv <- length(v)
clusterVec1 <- matrix(0, mmax, sampleNumber)#MATLAB: transpose

function(i) which(G[i,] == 1)
GG <- apply(G, 1, function(x) which (x == 1))

imvw1 <- t(v)#node
imvw2 <- rep(1, lv)#info order
Cv <- vector("list", n)#List of data for each node
lengthC <- lv

#Standard clustering:
for (i in 1:sampleNumber){
#Find neighbours of node i:
vx <- v[i]
v1 <- mNbr(GG, vx, 1, vx)#Indices of neighbours
#Update stored data:
Cv[[i]] <- v1
Gred <- G[v1, ]#Adj mat of neighbourhood
Gred <- Gred[, t(v1)]
lv1 <- length(v1)#Number of neighbours
#How many links exist/how many could exist:
clusterVec1[1, i] <- sum(upper.tri(Gred, diag=FALSE))/lv1/(lv1-1)*2
#N-clustering, N>=2
if (mmax>1){
for (m in 2:mmax){
for (i in 1:lv){
#m-neighbours of v(i):
vi <- v[i]
vx <- Cv[[i]]#m-1 OR m (if already xcalculated in loop) nbrs of v(i)
imvw2i <- imvw2[i]
if (imvw2i<m){#i.e.==m-1
vm <- mNbr(GG, vx, (m-imvw2i), vi)#Neighbours of i
#vm=vm(vm~=vi) here?
imvw2[i] <- m
Cv[[i]] <- vm
} else{
vm <- vx
vmx <- vm#(vm~=vi); #Exclude node i
lvm <- length(vmx)
links1 <- 0
#m-neighbours of each m-neighbour:
for (j in 1:lvm){#parfor
vmj <- vmx[j]#vmOrder(j);
#if vmj~=vi
#Faster to order or to find all links?
if (vmj %in% imvw1==TRUE){#If have already calculated some nbhds
index <- which(imvw1==vmj)#How many
thisFar <- imvw2[index]
vmjSoFar <- Cv[[index]]
if (thisFar<m){
mNj <- mNbr(GG, vmjSoFar, m-thisFar, vmj)
imvw2[index] <- m
Cv[[index]] <- mNj
} else{
mNj <- Cv[[index]]
} else{
mNj <- mNbr(GG, vmj, m, vmj)
lengthC <- lengthC+1
index <- lengthC
imvw1[index] <- vmj
imvw2[index] <- m
Cv[[index]] <- mNj
mNjx <- mNj#xlinks1 <- links1+length(intersect(vmx,mNjx))
clusterVec1[m, i] <- links1/lvm/(lvm-1)
#m-clustering for whole sample:
RPmclusterSample <- X
#Summary stats:
RPmclusterSampleStats <- c(mean(X, na.rm=TRUE), var(X, na.rm=TRUE), quantile(X, c(0, .05, .25, .5, .75, .95, 1), na.rm=TRUE))


#This is needed for RPclusterSample
mNbr <- function(GG, vx1, mMore, vi){
vx <- as.vector(vx1)
G1 <- GG[vx]
G1 <- unlist(G1)
#sumG1 <- colSums(G1)
#v1 <- which(sumG1>0)
v1 <- unique(G1)
v1 <- v1[v1!=vi]
vx <- as.vector(v1)
if (mMore>1){
while (k<=mMore){
Gm <- GG[vx]
Gm <- unlist(Gm)
#sumGm <- colSums(Gm)
#vm <- which(sumGm>0)
vm <- unique(Gm)
vm <- union(vx, vm)
vm <- setdiff(vm, vx)
vx <- vm
mNbr <- vx


RPmultiple <- function(G){
eps <- .01
bins <- seq(0, eps, 1)
#Hist here
stats <- matrix(0, n, 9)
for (i in 1:n){
I <- 4+i
g1 <- RPcluster(G, I)
stats[I, ] <- g1
RPmultiple <- stats


if (FALSE){
source('~/networkProcessing.R', echo=TRUE)
sampleNumber <- 200
adjMat <- RPcombine(Node_connection_within_household,
clusterStats <- RPclusterSample(adjMat, 2, sampleNumber)

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