Gitlab CI pipeline lint, shellcheck and format tools. Standardize your code format and prevent mistakes before you commit.
Add this to your .pre-commit-config.yaml
- repo:
rev: '' # Use the sha / tag you want to point at
- id: gitlab-ci-lint
- id: gitlab-ci-fmt
- id: gitlab-ci-shellcheck
Use gitlab api to lint gitlab-ci files.
- Requires pass to be installed on your system as a secret backend so that your api key is stored encrypted.
Ensure strict ordering of keywords in gitlab-ci configuration file.
- Requires yq to be installed on your system.
Use shellcheck to check all job script sections.
- Requires shellcheck to be installed on your system.
- All script sections must contain shell markers (eg. '#shellcheck shell=bash')
Feel free to create an issue, report a bug or suggest improvements in the "Issues" section.