A node interface for NewsAPI.
Up-to-date news headlines and metadata in JSON from 70+ popular news sites. Powered by NewsAPI.org.
You will need an API key from https://newsapi.org.
Please look at their documentation to see how to use the API. The convenience functions provided by this module simply pass their options along as querystring parameters to the REST API, so the documentation is totally valid. There are some usage examples below to see how these options should be passed in.
If you use this in a project, add a 'powered by' attribution link back to NewsAPI.org
$ npm install newsapi --save
$ API_KEY=<your api key> npm test
All methods support promises and node-style callbacks.
const NewsAPI = require('newsapi');
const newsapi = new NewsAPI('YOUR_API_KEY');
// To query top headlines
// All options passed to topHeadlines are optional, but you need to include at least one of them
q: 'trump',
category: 'politics',
language: 'en',
country: 'us'
}).then(response => {
status: "ok",
articles: [...]
// To query everything
// You must include at least one q, source, or domain
q: 'trump',
sources: 'bbc-news,the-verge',
domains: 'bbc.co.uk,techcrunch.com',
from: '2017-12-01',
to: '2017-12-12',
language: 'en',
sortBy: 'relevancy',
page: 2
}).then(response => {
status: "ok",
articles: [...]
// To query sources
// All options are optional
category: 'technology',
language: 'en',
country: 'us'
}).then(response => {
status: "ok",
sources: [...]
const NewsAPI = require('newsapi');
const newsapi = new NewsAPI('YOUR_API_KEY');
// To query articles:
source: 'associated-press', // required
sortBy: 'top' // optional
}).then(articlesResponse => {
status: "ok",
source: "associated-press",
sortBy: "top",
articles: [...]
// To query sources:
category: 'technology', // optional
language: 'en', // optional
country: 'us' // optional
}).then(sourcesResponse => {
status: "ok",
sources: [...]
// For both methods you can also use traditional Node callback style:
source: 'associated-press',
sortBy: 'top'
}, (err, articlesResponse) => {
if (err) console.error(err);
else console.log(articlesResponse);
NewsAPI's caching behavior.
You can disable caching on a request level by adding the noCache: true
option to your queries.
sources: 'bbc-news'
}, {
noCache: true
}).then(response => {
The following option has been added to requests by default and should resolve most CORS issues:
const reqOptions = { 'mode': 'cors', headers: { 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*' } };
If that does not work for you, you can use the corsProxyUrl
option in the NewsAPI constructor to customize the request url:
const newsapi = new NewsAPI('YOUR_API_KEY', { corsProxyUrl: 'https://cors-anywhere.herokuapp.com/' });