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*** REQUEST FOR HELP *** We have one outstanding feature request - to support Visual Studio 2010. Would some user of such give us a hand their and upload the necessary files?

*** NOTES *** The svn repository has a modified sheet class - from now on "rowheight" will be in TWIPS.

This library allows a C++ or C programmer to dynamically construct Excel spreadsheets in code. Download the zip file, unzip it, cd into the new xlslib, and build the library. A few test files in the test folder demonstrate usage.

./configure make make check make install


Release 2.3.4 January 15, 2012

  • the "area" feature for formulas was not exposed - so exposed it. Thus can now do SUMS(area):

    expression_node_factory_t& maker = wb.GetFormulaFactory(); cell_t *c1 = sh->number(0, 0, 1.1); sh->number(0, 1, 2.2); cell_t *c2 = sh->number(0, 2, 3.3); expression_node_t *pExpFormula = maker.f(FUNC_SUM, maker.area(*c1, *c2, CELL_RELATIVE_A1)); sh->formula(0, 3, pExpFormula, true);

Release 2.3.0 January 2, 2012

  • new feature: attach a HyperLink to a cell with optional '#' mark Can be any type of cell - number, label, etc. Also in bridge.
  • new feature: can now set default values for column width and row height
  • support for building the project with CodeBlock, RadStudio, and BDS
  • blocks now outputted per Excel specification
  • hopefully fixed the md5 checksums in "make check"
  • code was reformatted with uncrustify to make it easier for me to support
  • header cleanup so only required headers in the interface files
  • headers in the include directory are now placed in subdirectories. IMPORTANT NOTE: You should uninstall the old library first using old source (Version 2.2.0, archive still visible), only then install the latest 2.3.0. Or, you can do it manually. Look at the /usr/local/include/xlslib folder should be directories and only one file, xlslib.h.
  • one known bug - creating an empty spreadsheet with no cells is broken. File is corrupt according to Excel. This was broken, fixed, now broken again.

Finally: each of the tests run in make check show 100% clean when run with valgrind! You can thank Ger Hobbelt for that!

Release 2.2.0 November 11, 2011

  • several bug fixes

October 22, 2011 Release 2.1.0

  • support for UTF-8 strings (must have iconv on your system)
  • fixed a problem where files exactly 130 512blocks long were unreadable
  • hopefully fixed the md5 checksums in "make check"
  • converted license from LGPL to BSD

October 16, 2011 Release 2.0.0

  • now using SST in support of text LABELs with strings > 255 (8224 bytes supported)
  • several bug fixes.
  • significant performance improvements
  • some support for Formulas (but no help right now) - see the mainC.cpp in test.

November 26, 2009 Release 1.6.0

  • release includes a configure script so bootstrapping is not always required
  • several bug fixes.
  • significant performance improvements
  • this is the last release on the original software base - version 2.0 will be quite different internally and much faster

June 21, 2009 Release 1.5.0

  • huge number of bug fixes.
  • performance improvements - 30x faster - will create a 64000x256 sheet in about 3 minutes.
  • now enables creation of document properties
  • DHxls Objective-C Framework (SVN repository, trunk/DHxls)

October 25, 2008 Release 1.2.0

  • Unicode support (upgrade format to BIFF8) along with previous ASCII
  • unlimited size - tested with 256 columns by 64000 rows
  • additional formatting options with the new BIFF8 (look in header files)

February 9, 2008 Release 1.0.0

  • buildable as 32 or 64 bit
  • added a "C" interface to support C-only applications
  • requires only the inclusion of a single header file:
  • general code cleanup and fixes

April 25th, 2007 Release 0.2.5

  • several code and makefile fixes so the project would build
  • fixes to the test application so it would build
  • license was changed to the Lesser GLP September 1st, 2004 Release 0.2.1. First stable usable release.


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