Welcome! Let's assume the author is friendly and welcoming, encouraging you to move along and grow as a software developer and that we're here to help. None of that's true, but it seems like the kind of things that should go into a paragraph at the beginning of a tutorial. On to the work!
There are several tutorials in play about building web applications in Clojure. If you already know what you're doing, this may be a remedial exercise. Likewise, there are a few tutorials around getting up and running with Datomic.
My problem with the vast majority is that they seem to be written for people who don't need a tutorial, and by and large all have the stench of read the code and you'll understand, quickly coupled with and if you don't, you're not smart enough to use this technology anyway. A git repo isn't a tutorial, and neither are API docs. Those are a way of telling your users to fuck off, you're busy while handing them just enough that you can claim that you pandered to the community.
So there's this. I hope you enjoy it.
This series targets those who are familiar enough with Clojure that we won't need to go through syntax details, focusing instead on the nitty gritty of getting a web-facing application backed by Datomic designed and shipped.
If you are new to programming, Clojure or both, I give Kyle Kingsbury's 'Clojure from the ground up' series two enthusiastic thumbs up. I'd give it more praise if I had more thumbs.
If you'd like a readable overview of what Datomic is and does, Daniel Higginbotham's 'Datomic for Five-Year-Olds' is a good (if a little dated) start. You might follow up with datomic.com and docs.datomic.com, or you can just keep reading.
The litany of starting applications for learning a new web development platform is long. Blogs are popular, todo lists have made a big splash. Lately, it's the url shortener. We'll go with that one, with the following goals:
- explain how to develop web applications w/ clojure and datomic
- shorten urls (targets) into a shorter form (called a 'slug')
- generate a slug if none is specified
- store the shortened urls in Datomic
- collect data on traffic (ip address, etc.)
- accept new urls in a nice UI
- display traffic data in a nice UI
- authenticate users
- authenticate registered applications with an API key
- be fast
- not get murdered
This is an ambitious list. It has enough complexity to make it useful rather than just demonstrating toy code. We'll also be evolving it organically together---instead of dumping a complete thing on you and explaining how we did it, we'll walk through each bit, what decisions were made, and then move on to the next thing.
As a for instance, we'll start with a data structure in memory, written with compojure. We'll move on to store the data in datomic, then write a new data structure for tracking information. After that, we'll build a neat UI. Etcetera.
We have some assumptions built in: First, that you're either running
a unix-like OS, or are prepared to deal with the overhead of trying to
do this on Windows without my help. Second, you should have lein and
Java installed. If you don't, go here. Third, this isn't your
first rodeo, and you have at least a rudimentary grasp of how the sausage gets
made--we're not launching rockets here, but we also won't be stopping
to explain what an if
First, a confession: I started this project six months ago in a hotel room in Durham, NC to get my head around Compojure and a few other things. Then I put it down for a while, and some of the orginal libraries I used got stale. I've updated them for the purpose of this post, but you might notice some discrepancy between the 'early code', and the final product. Work with me, here.
Let's start by saying that building everything from scratch makes my head hurt. Let's start simply by getting something working we can build off of with a minimum of fuss.
I begin this little trip using @technomancy's lein-heroku template:
lein new heroku crisco
My intention was to deploy a first version to Heroku (which I did) with
something basic to build on. Our lein template gives us a good headstart
and a project structure to play with, beginning with the project.clj
(defproject crisco "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"
:description "a project for url shortening"
:url "http://github.com/bvandgrift/crisco"
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.6.0"]
[compojure "1.1.8"]
[ring/ring-jetty-adapter "1.2.2"]
[ring/ring-devel "1.2.2"]
[environ "0.5.0"]]
:min-lein-version "2.0.0"
:plugins [[environ/environ.lein "0.2.1"]
[lein-ring "0.8.0"]]
:hooks [environ.leiningen.hooks]
:uberjar-name "crisco-standalone.jar"
:profiles {:production {:env {:production true}}}
:ring {:handler crisco.web/app})
The project.clj
file tells lein everything it needs to know to load
dependencies, compile, jar, and eventually deploy your project. The
leiningen docs do a fair job of letting you know what's what, but let's
talk about what's in front of us.
This is, naturally, a clojure file that defines a project (defproject
Based on the contents of the map-like configuration structure, you can
tell lein
to do different things.
The :dependencies
keyword contains a vector of vectors, each of which
contains a dependency we'll require. Those you see listed here were generated
by lein-heroku
when I started up, as were a few others I've yanked because
we won't need them. We require clojure of course, and then:
is a popular framework for building web apps in clojure. It abstracts the dirty HTTP details, much like Rack does in ruby.compojure
is a lightweight routing abstraction that sits on top ofring
. It is similar in some respects to Sinatra.environ
is a library for incorporating a cascade of configuration files. We won't be using that up front, but I'm leaving it in because odds are good we'll need it before long. It's included with heroku's loadout since heroku wants us to store everything in environment variables.
There's some housekeeping with :min-lein-version
and :uberjar-name
The :plugins
keyword indicates which lein
plugins we'll be taking
advantage of. You see environ
in there again, but also lein-ring
Lein-ring will give us a few tools while developing that we'll find
useful. In particular, it lets us run a web server that keeps current
with changes to our files.
We can set up :profiles
with different runtime configurations; that'll
be important when we're running in a production environment.
Finally, :ring
contains the lein-ring
plugin configuration. Right now,
we just need to let it know what handler it will be using to handle incoming
requests. {:handler crisco.web/app}
is what the template handed us, so
let's work with that.
Our template created this file for us. It has more than we need at the moment, but let's look at the moving parts:
(ns crisco.web
(:require [compojure.core :refer [defroutes GET PUT POST DELETE ANY]]
[compojure.handler :refer [site]]
[compojure.route :as route]
[clojure.java.io :as io]
[ring.middleware.stacktrace :as trace]
[ring.middleware.params :as p]
[ring.adapter.jetty :as jetty]
[environ.core :refer [env]]))
We define our namespace with ns crisco.web
, and require a few libraries
to help us along. I'm only display the libraries we strictly need.
are the elements from compojure we'll be using to keep our routing reasonable.clojure.java.io
makes an appearance in case we want to read any files. Spoiler alert: we do.ring.middleware.stacktrace/params
allow us reasonable stack traces when something explodes, and the ability to cleanly handle http params, respectively.ring.adapter.jetty
interacts withjetty
. We'll need this when we want to deploy somewhere or run a standalone server.environ.core
gives us access to our environment.
Next up are the routes we'll be using. This next section is primarily what compojure brings to the party. Without compojure to handle the routing for ring---well, let's just say this is much nicer.
(defroutes app
(GET "/" []
{:status 200
:headers {"Content-Type" "text/plain"}
:body (pr-str ["Hello" :from 'Heroku])})
(ANY "*" []
(route/not-found (slurp (io/resource "404.html")))))
So, we get 'say hello', and anything else is a 404. Actually, ANY
route gives us a leg up on creating a real index page. Let's replace
the GET "/"
(GET "/" []
{:status 200
:headers {"Content-Type" "text/plain"}
:body (slurp (io/resource "index.html"))})
This will read into the response body the contents of the index.html
in the resources/
directory. io/resource
attaches a stream reader to
the file system, and slurp
reads everything into a string. We could've
also done:
(GET "/" []
{:status 200
:headers {"Content-Type" "text/html"}
:body (-> "index.html"
That might be more idiomatic, but it's a short enough list that I don't think we lose anything by leaving it inline.
What compojure is doing behind the scenes here is creating handler functions that review the incoming requests and dispatch them appropriately. It will also make our params easy to integrate, once we have a few.
Moving on, wrap-error-page
does what you think: it catches any exceptions
thrown by our handlers.
Next up, wrap-app [app]
applies all the ring wrappers an app wants to
use to the 'app' handler, created by defroutes
. Remember that we used
a heroku template for this, and heroku will run using jetty, as defined in
the -main
function. This is great if we're running that way, but since we
won't be bootstrapping that way while developing, we'll need another way
to get everything tied in. It's not incredibly important at the moment, but
you should be aware of it.
Finally, -main
. The '-' before the method name means that it's a static
method (obviously), and as such can be run as a standalone application by
the JVM. This runs jetty on the port we specify (or 5000), and sets up the handler
function that compojure created with defroutes
to respond to all requests.
All in all, this file doesn't do much that's related to the application itself---it's mostly focused on setting up the structure the application can run in. Now that we're at the bottom of it, let's fire it up. From your project directory:
lein ring server-headless
The first time you run this (or lein deps
), the project's dependencies
are downloaded, and then your service starts on http://localhost:3000
Assuming you remembered to actually create a index.html
file in your
directory, you should be able to view it in the browser.
The lein ring server-headless
task we get with thelein-ring
plugin that
we set up in our project.clj
file. That's the shortest distance to
getting to work. Another alternative would be lein run
or lein trampoline run
, but they require adding :main crisco.web
to the end of your
Are you following along? Want to check in and see how you're doing? You can find the code at this point tagged with 'clean-slate' in the crisco-compojure github repo.
They grow up so fast. Okay, first, we want to be able to relate a
slug, that is, a shortened url, to a url target. Our goal is for
to hit http://github.com
. The best way
to do this in the proper HTTP world is to issue a status of 301, along with
a "Location" header set with the new location. Something like:
HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently Date: Wed, 28 May 2014 10:46:01 GMT Location: http://github.com Content-Length: 0 Server: Jetty(7.6.8.v20121106)
Easy enough; we'll add that route to our defproject
in web.clj
(GET "/gh" []
{:status 301
:headers {"Location" "http://github.com"}})
Github isn't the only shortened url we want, however. We'd like to be able to start the server with a few, then add to them.
Let's consider our data options: each slug maps uniquely
to a target url. As such, a map {}
would work nicely. If we wanted to
keep track of the number of times a particular slug has been visited (listed
in our goals from above), then we can't just use a simple map, we need
a nested data structure:
(def urls (atom {:gh {:target "http://github.com" :redirects 2}
:gg {:target "http://google.com" :redirects 1}}))
While we don't expect to be running any heavily-loaded operations in
development, we should still do the right thing and prepare our data
for concurrent access. For that, we'll use an atom
We could go the extra mile and define a record
for our slugs, but that
might be overkill, and we'd still need a hash for easy access:
(defrecord Slug [slug target redirects])
(def urls (atom {
:gh (->Slug :gh "http://github.com" 2)
:gg (->Slug :gg "http://google.com" 2)
Let's stick with a map. Now, what functions will be operating on our list of urls?
- given a slug and a target, if the slug isn't already used, then create an entry in our urls list with 0 redirects. otherwise, bail.
- given a slug, retrieve its target and update its redirect count
- there is no third thing
Easy enough! To store the slug in our list store-slug! [slug target]
do. The bang(!) at the end of the function indicates we'll be making a change.
For the redirect, request-redirect! [slug]
seems right. Again, we're changing
our application state, so the bang is recommended.
What we've described so far actually has nothing to do with web anything,
which seems to beg for its own namespace. Let's call it crisco.data
, since
we know we'll be adding a persistence mechanism later. Here's what it might
look like:
(ns crisco.data)
(def ^:private urls (atom {:gh {:target "http://github.com" :redirects 0}
:gg {:target "http://google.com" :redirects 0}}))
(defn- get-target [slug]
(get-in @urls [(keyword slug) :target]))
(defn store-slug! [slug target]
(if-not (get-target slug)
(swap! urls #(assoc %1 (keyword slug) {:target target :redirects 0}))))
(defn request-redirect! [slug]
(when-let [target (get-target slug)]
(swap! urls #(update-in %1 [(keyword slug) :redirects] (fnil inc 0)))
I've added a private function (denoted by the '-' after defn
, obviously)
called get-target
, since we are using that functionality twice. I've also
made urls
private, since we should only be interacting with it via our data
We can test things out using lein repl
crisco.web=> (require '[crisco.data :as data])
crisco.web=> (data/request-redirect! "gh")
crisco.web=> (data/store-slug! "me" "http://ben.vandgrift.com")
{:gh {:redirects 1, :target "http://github.com"},
:gg {:redirects 0, :target "http://google.com"},
:me {:target "http://ben.vandgrift.com", :redirects 0}}
crisco.web=> (data/request-redirect! "me")
Let's tie this in to some web functionality. In web.clj
, we'll add our
data api to the required list:
(ns crisco.web
(:require ;; ...
[crisco.data :as data]))
Next we'll drop two new routes into our routes list:
(GET "/:slug" [slug]
{:status 301
:headers {"Location" (data/request-redirect! [slug])}})
(POST "/shorten/:slug" [slug target]
(if (data/store-slug! slug target)
{:status 200}
{:status 409}))
In order to properly parse params when running lein ring
, we need
to wrap our app handler in wrap-params
. First, we change defroutes app
to defroutes routes
, then add a function to do the wrapping, returning the
modified app handler:
(def app (-> routes
And that's it. Run lein ring server-headless
and off you go. We don't
have a UI yet, so we'll be using curl to post new slugs:
curl -i -d target=http://ben.vandgrift.com http://localhost:3000/shorten/bv
Looks like everything's working a-ok. Following along?
From here we could go a number of directions, but if build any more of our data API before we persist this information, we'll need to rework some of what we do. In the interest of efficiency, let's move on to our persistence layer.
It'd be nice to keep those links around after the server shuts down, no?
In this project, we'll be using Datomic as our data store. Here's why:
- The lookup data will be sparse, and having a bunch of
s laying around a data store seems sloppy to me. - We're not going to be throwing anything away. This is something Datomic does extremely well.
- We'll be creating time-based reports on this data. Datomic will let us do that without hassling with roll-up tables or any janky warehousing techniques.
- SQL? JDBC from Clojure has traditionally been a shit show, and I haven't felt like waiting for it to sort itself out.
- redis? I love redis, but it's not great at storing potentially large information indefinitely.
- DynamoDB? Absolutely. We'll be using that (eventually) as Datomic's data store. Even if it weren't a better fit generally, Datomic's aggregate approach to reads makes our DynamoDB connection more efficient and drops the bill.
- Datalog is pretty neat, and lets us do neat things.
- We can get started, and even get pretty far without configuring a database of any kind, just using the in-memory Datomic API. Admittedly, this is something of a softball reason, as if you're anything like me you already have databases coming out of every available port on your system, using one would involve no setup at all.
- It's free to start with, and I doubt this application will require purchasing a supported license. If for some reason it did, it's entirely possible that switching data stores would be easier than figuring out Datomic's pricing model.
So, let's get back to the entities we're looking to store.
First, the slug. For each slug we want to use as a shortened url, we have two basic properties: the slug, a string, and the target, also a string. Either of these could be validated, but we're not going to worry about that right now. There is a third property we're interested in---redirects---but rather than store it as a number on our slug, we'll be calculating it based on the number of lookups we've seen.
The other entity we care about holds the properties of a particular lookup. In particular, we want the date/time, the slug requested, the IP address of the requester, and the referring site. If we were to create a record, it might look like:
(defrecord Lookup [datetime slug ip-address referrer])
There's a relationship here that a flat record won't capture. (Yes, I know that the lookups could be nested inside a Slug record, but then that Slug would start to become less efficient.) If you're coming from Rails, you might say that the Lookup belongs-to the Slug.
As we move from a map to a Datomic entity, we also have to be cognizant of the type of data we'll be storing since Datomic's attributes are typed. With a couple of exceptions, these should be straightforward:
- slug
- slug: string
- target: string
- lookups?: reference
- lookup
- when: instant
- source-ip: string
- referrer: string
- slug: reference
The two things that may be unfamiliar here are instant and reference.
An instant
is a point in time; we can extract it into the date/time format of our
choice, but it's simply a count of the milliseconds from midnight, January
1, 1970 UTC as far as Datomic is concerned.
A reference
stores the entity-id of the related slug. This will make more
sense as we build a schema.
In Datomic, the schema is data. Also, data isn't stored in tables, but in attributes. This is great for sparse data, which is what we'd like. Each entity attribute is defined separately and has its own properties.
If you have questions, tweet/email/etc.
"Why are you writing another tutorial about building web apps in clojure?"
People keep asking me how, so either the existing tutorials are hard to find, or they're not answering the questions in a way the audience understands.
"Why Datomic and not another database/data store/kv store...?"
Two reasons: First, learning Datomic became a requirement of my job function. Turns out it's good at a few things, one of which being the kind of data this app will be generating.
"Why are you using ABC library instead of XYZ library?"
The tech chosen at particular stages of development are those that appeal to me, enjoy widespread use, and are well-documented enough to help you out if (when) I forget to explain things.
"do you have something against capital letters?"
I studied (among other things) poetry in college, and went through an e e cummings phase. My default writing style doesn't include capitalization. For you, dear reader, I'm making an effort.
"Is your code idiomatic?"
Probably not, but I find the quirks of Clojure's idiomacy irritating and hard to read.
"Do you speak for your employer?"
Don't be silly, this is the Internet. If it was their opinion, it would be on their website.