- The MSCoin-Yield-Farming is an application to earn MSCoins as a reward for staking DAI Tokens. The Token-Farm Smart Contract holds all staked funds and MSCoin rewards are issued at a regular interval.
- Yield Farming or Liquidity Mining, in simple terms is getting rewarded for locking up/staking a certain cryptocurrency (DAI Token in our case) to earn another cryptocurrency as a reward (MSCoin in our case)
- The account connected to the wallet in the browser has 100 DAI Tokens and is called as investor's account here.
- When I run a script from VS Code the script is executed on behalf of the yeild-farm owner account.
- The GIF has been speeded up, the world of blockchain is not that fast (yet)
- Stake 100 DAI Tokens (Blue Button)
- Un-Stake 100 DAI Tokens (Green Button)
- Stake 100 DAI Tokens (again)
- Issue Reward for staking coins (by running script locally to interact with smart-contract as yeild-farm owner)
- Showing balance 100 MSCoin Reward