The buildingSMART Final Standard, as approved by the Standards Committee Executive, after a unanimous positive voting result from the Standards committee.
What's changed since 0.9.7:
- Updated the enumeration of IFC 4.3 to the official STEP/EXPRESS used 'IFC4X3_ADD2' to stay consistent with official buildingSMART use and versions.
Thank you
This release was a multi-year effort in 3 stages:
- User requirements stage led by Cyrille Pennavaire
- Development stage led by Robin Drogemuller and Sara Omrani
- Validation stage led by Claudio Benghi
In total, it involved over 200 people from 34 different countries. On release there are over 20 known products to implement IDS. An IDS Audit tool helps developers implement the standard consistently.
Thank you all for your long term contributions!
Further standardisation
There are talks to get this IDS standard published as CEN and/or ISO standard. More info on that will follow later.
What's Changed in the repository:
- Fixing schema verification environment by @CBenghi in #83
- Added IFC4 schema by @rubendel in #101
- Update pass-a_classification_facet_with_no_data_matches_any_classific… by @rubendel in #100
- Added missing tags around in some partOf testcases by @rubendel in #97
- Removed IFCWALL by @rubendel in #102
- Changed all the partOf requirements from IFCDOOR to IFCELEMENTASSEMBLY by @rubendel in #106
- Removed the trailing "s" by @rubendel in #107
- Remove unnecessary folders by @pasi-paasiala in #120
- Unit documentation improvements by @CBenghi in #109
- ids-tool updated and github action reconfigured by @CBenghi in #129
- Wrong number stated by @dimbata23 in #136
- Entity name should be UPPERCASE by @CBenghi in #138
- Adjusted xsi:schemaLocation in Development samples by @CBenghi in #134
- Updated ids-tool by @CBenghi in #140
- Update by @CBenghi in #147
- Fix dev examples by @CBenghi in #148
- Remove occurrence tracking for attributeType by @CBenghi in #149
- fixed development IDSs for schema change. by @CBenghi in #152
- Dev/documentation by @CBenghi in #158
- Proposal to change the logic of the partof-facet. by @CBenghi in #171
- Corrected number of supported relation types by @dimbata23 in #173
- "measure" attribut changed to "datatype" according to the last XSD Schema commit by @mysterieux30 in #180
- Update by @mysterieux30 in #179
- Fixed development IDS files. by @CBenghi in #185
- Update link to IfcOpenShell in by @daniel-augusto in #202
- Fix: cardinality of restriction not as intended. by @CBenghi in #216
- Prepared change to allow multiple material facets by @CBenghi in #213
- Facets review by @CBenghi in #240
- more accurate using of instance/class/entity by @I-Sokolov in #230
- Improved test cases on Attribute facet by @CBenghi in #260
- added some tests to increase coverage by @giuseppeverduciALMA in #263
- Removed invalid PSET requirements by @CBenghi in #269
- Update fail-an_optional_material_fails_if_no_value_matches.ifc by @CBenghi in #270
- fix issue #108: improved test focus by @giuseppeverduciALMA in #280
- Updated audit tool and fixed #111 by @CBenghi in #284
- add test containment relation by @CBenghi in #287
- Test cases renamed to reflect content better by @CBenghi in #288
- Added xbim Toolkit IDS library details, clarified XIDS vs Xbim.Ids.Validator use cases by @andyward in #277
- Renamed a test case to avoid content confusion. by @CBenghi in #289
- Improved audit tool and related IDS fixes. by @CBenghi in #292
- Documentation changes for issue 274 by @CBenghi in #291
- LOIN metadata description by @atomczak in #303
- add URI documentation by @atomczak in #302
- Extend documentation for use of entity facet - resolve issue #116 by @MatthiasWeise in #301
- update floating point comparison tests by @atomczak in #304
- Update idsVersion to include IFC4 - fixes inconsistency with the IFC test file schemas by @andyward in #276
- Added test case for USERDEFINED predefinedType by @CBenghi in #307
Thank you to all Contributors
@rubendel, @pasi-paasiala, @dimbata23, @mysterieux30, @daniel-augusto, @I-Sokolov, @giuseppeverduciALMA, @andyward, @MatthiasWeise, @atomczak, @evandroAlfieri, @deBIMspecialist and all others!