让我们先看看,平时我们是如何使用redux的。让我们从一个简单的 increase/decrease 应用开始
我们首先要设计好应用的数据结构,然后构建一个 reducer。之后通过 createStore
函数来构造 store。
// reducer.js
const initialState = {
num: 0,
const reducer = (state, action) => initialState;
export default reducer;
// store.js
import { createStore } from 'redux';
import reducer from './reducer';
const store = createStore(reducer);
现在,让我们定义几个 action,然后在 reducer 中,为不同的 action 设置不同的返回值。
// action.js
export const INCREASE = 'INCREASE';
export const DECREASE = 'DECREASE';
// reducer.js
import { INCREASE, DECREASE } from './action';
const initialState = {
num: 0,
const reducer = (state = initialState, action) => {
switch(action.type) {
return { num: state.num + 1 };
return { num: state.num - 1 };
return state;
export default reducer;
在定义好了 reducer 与 action 之后,我们就可以通过调用绑定在 store 上的 store.dispatch()
函数来执行我们定义的 action。我们之后也可以使用 store.getState()
函数来获取当前的 store。
// store.js
import { createStore } from 'redux';
import reducer from './reducer';
import { INCREASE, DECREASE } from './action';
const store = createStore(reducer);
store.dispatch({ type: INCREASE });
console.log(store.getState()); // { num: 1 }
store.dispatch({ type: INCREASE });
console.log(store.getState()); // { num: 2 }
store.dispatch({ type: DECREASE });
console.log(store.getState()); // { num: 1 }
这就是最简单的一个 redux 提供的能力。现在,我们从 store.dispatch()
,来寻找 redux 的编写思路。
我们需要可以调用绑定在 createStore()
函数返回值上的 dispatch
和 getState
const createStore = (reducer, initialState) => {
let state = initialState || reducer(undefined, { type: '@INIT' });
const result = {
dispatch: (actionObj = {}) => {
state = reducer(state || undefined, actionObj);
return result;
// getState 返回当前的 store
getState: () => {
return state;
return result;
到这里,我们实际上已经实现了 redux 最核心的部分。但在实际生产环境中,我们可能会将reducer拆分为更细致的reducer,因此 redux 提供了 combineReducers()
函数,用来将我们拆分出的 reducer 合并为一个。接下来我们来实现这个函数。
// combineReducers.test.js
import combineReducers from './combineReducers';
describe('test combineReducers', () => {
it('multi reducer should be combined', () => {
const reducer1 = (state = 0) => state;
const reducer2 = (state = true) => state;
const reducer3 = () => ({ reducer1: 0, reducer2: true });
JSON.stringify(combineReducers({ reducer1, reducer2 })())
// combineReducers.js
const combineReducers = (obj) => {
const type = '@INIT';
const initialState = {};
const keys = Object.keys(obj);
keys.forEach(key => {
initialState[key] = obj[key](undefined, { type });
return function (state = initialState, action) {
let nextState = Object.assign({}, state);
if (action && action.type) {
keys.forEach(key => {
nextState[key] = obj[key](state[key], action);
return nextState;
export default combineReducers;
我们在使用 redux 开发的时候,还知道用 redux 提供了 aplyMiddleware()
函数,为 store.dispatch()
提供了中间件的功能。例如。我们可以在调用 dispatch
时打印出当前的 action:
const store = createStore(
function logger({ getState }) {
return beforeDispatchFn => {
return function finalDispatchFn(action) {
console.log('will dispatch', action)
const returnValue = beforeDispatchFn(action);``
console.log('state after dispatch', getState())
return returnValue
为了实现这个函数,我们先在 redux 官网看一下官方对于此函数的解释:
...middleware (arguments)
: Functions that conform to the Redux middleware API. Each middleware receives Store's dispatch and getState functions as named arguments, and returns a function. That function will be given the next middleware's dispatch method, and is expected to return a function ofaction
with a potentially different argument, or at a different time, or maybe not calling it at all. The last middleware in the chain will receive the real store'sdispatch
method as thenext
parameter, thus ending the chain. So, the middleware signature is({ getState, dispatch }) => next => action
.Returns (Function) A store enhancer that applies the given middleware. The store enhancer signature is
createStore => createStore
but the easiest way to apply it is to pass it to createStore() as the lastenhancer
简单来说,middleware 的函数签名为 ({ getState, dispatch }) => next => action
, applyMiddleware 同样返回一个函数,此函数的签名为 createStore => createStore
。其中,middleware通过接受上一个middleware返回的包装过的 dispatch
- store 对象上一些很有用的api,如
,可以在middleware中使用 - next 函数为上一个 middleware 返回过来的包装过的 dispatch 函数。保证了每一个 middleware 都只会被调用一次
const applyMiddleware = (...middlewares) =>
createStore => {
const store = createStore();
return store;
接下来,我们需要获得通过一连串 middleware 装饰之后的 dispatch 函数。这里我们先定义一个 middleware,然后再看用什么方式来串联起来:
// 定义两个 middleware
const myMiddleware1 = (store) => next => action => {
console.log('myMiddleware1 has been called!');
return next(action);
const myMiddleware2 = (store) => next => action => {
console.log('myMiddleware2 has been called!');
return next(action);
// 使用middleware
const store = createStore(
applyMiddleware(myMiddleware1, myMiddleware2)
这时候,让我们回头再看一下最初我们定义的 dispatch
dispatch: (actionObj = {}) => {
state = reducer(result.state || null, actionObj);
return result;
可以看到,中间件最终都是返回的 next(action)
,所以我们可以通过 reduce
函数将 middleware 串联起来即可。所以:
const applyMiddleware = (...middlewares) =>
createStore => (...args) => {
const store = createStore(...args);
/** 获取装饰过的 dispatch
* 最终得到的 middlewareRes 为:
* [
* function anonymousFn1(next) {
* return function fn1(action) {
* console.log('middleware1');
* return next(action);
* }
* },
* function anonymousFn2(next) {
* return function fn2(action) {
* console.log('middleware2');
* return next(action);
* }
* }
* ]
const middlewareRes = middlewares.map(item => item(store));
let composedMiddleware;
if(middlewareRes.length === 1) {
composedMiddleware = middlewareRes[0];
} else {
const composedMiddleware = middlewareRes.reduce((a, b) => next => a(b(next)));
const newDispatch = composedMiddleware(store.dispatch);
return ({
dispatch: newDispatch,
这样,我们就实现了一个简单的 applyMiddleware
。但我们还需要对 createStore
函数做一些改动,来让他支持 applyMiddleware
const createStore = (reducer, initialState, enhancedCreateStore) => {
let state = initialState || reducer(undefined, { type: '@INIT' });
if (enhancedCreateStore && typeof enhancedCreateStore === 'function') {
return enhancedCreateStore(createStore)(reducer, initialState);
const result = {
dispatch: (actionObj = {}) => {
state = reducer(state || undefined, actionObj);
return result;
// getState 返回当前的 store
getState: () => {
return state;
return result;
到目前,我们已经实现了 createStore
这三个关键 API。让我们完整的回顾一下到目前为止的代码:
// redux.js
const combineReducers = (obj) => {
const type = '@INIT';
const initialState = {};
const keys = Object.keys(obj);
keys.forEach(key => {
initialState[key] = obj[key](undefined, { type });
return function (state = initialState, action) {
let nextState = Object.assign({}, state);
if (action && action.type) {
keys.forEach(key => {
nextState[key] = obj[key](state[key], action);
return nextState;
const applyMiddleware = (...middlewares) =>
createStore => {
const store = createStore();
/** 获取装饰过的 dispatch
* 最终得到的 middlewareRes 为:
* [
* function anonymousFn1(next) {
* return function fn1(action) {
* console.log('middleware1');
* return next(action);
* }
* },
* function anonymousFn2(next) {
* return function fn2(action) {
* console.log('middleware2');
* return next(action);
* }
* }
* ]
const middlewareRes = middlewares.map(item => item(store));
let composedMiddleware;
if(middlewareRes.length === 1) {
composedMiddleware = middlewareRes[0];
} else {
composedMiddleware = middlewareRes.reduce((a, b) => next => a(b(next)));
const newDispatch = composedMiddleware(store.dispatch);
return ({
dispatch: newDispatch,
const createStore = (reducer, initialState, enhancedCreateStore) => {
let state = initialState || reducer(undefined, { type: '@INIT' });
if (enhancedCreateStore && typeof enhancedCreateStore === 'function') {
return enhancedCreateStore(createStore)(reducer, initialState);
const result = {
dispatch: (actionObj = {}) => {
state = reducer(state || undefined, actionObj);
return result;
// getState 返回当前的 store
getState: () => {
return state;
return result;
export { createStore, combineReducers, applyMiddleware };
import { applyMiddleware, createStore, combineReducers } from './redux';
const calcInitialState = {
num: 0,
const calcReducer = (state = calcInitialState, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
case 'INCREASE':
return { num: state.num + 1 };
case 'DECREASE':
return { num: state.num - 1 };
return state;
const listInitialState = {
list: [],
const listReducer = (state = listInitialState, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
case 'ADD':
return { list: state.list.concat(action.item) };
case 'DELETE':
return { list: state.list.filter((item, index) => index !== action.index) };
return state;
const rootReducer = combineReducers({
calc: calcReducer,
list: listReducer,
const store = createStore(rootReducer);
store.dispatch({ type: 'INCREASE' });
console.log(store.getState().calc); // { num: 1 }
store.dispatch({ type: 'DECREASE' });
console.log(store.getState().calc); // { num: 0 }
store.dispatch({ type: 'ADD', item: 2 });
console.log(store.getState().list); // { list: [2] }
store.dispatch({ type: 'ADD', item: 3 });
console.log(store.getState().list); // { list: [2, 3] }
store.dispatch({ type: 'DELETE', index: 0 });
console.log(store.getState().list); // { list: [3] }
接下来让我们测试一下 applyMiddleware
函数。我们把之前写的输出log的 middleware 放到我们的这个 store 中:
const store = createStore(rootReducer, undefined, applyMiddleware(logger));
store.dispatch({ type: 'INCREASE' }); // log: will dispatch, state after dispatch
可以看到,我们的中间件也能够成功运行了。至此,redux 的大部分功能我们已经实现了。实现的虽然有些瑕疵,但我们主要关心的还是 redux 整体的设计思路。更多的也是学习这种编程思路。