###Finding The Median In Large Sets Of Numbers Split Across N Servers using zeromq and nodejs (experimental)
- It takes a data and distributes the data equally to workers;
- When StatsCollector's
is called, sendsSORT
message to sort data on workers as first step, - After sort operation confirmed for all workers, master sends
message to get median for each worker and stores median of medians. This value is likely to be the median of our data set. - After this step the
binary search
approach is applied to find exact median.- As a first step of this approach, the median estimation which is median of medians which are gathered from workers, will be used as a mid value in binary search. By collecting the values which are upper and lower than the estimated median, I updated the estimated median in order to equalize the counts of upper and lower values.
- This step works recursively and I converge to the exact median.
- The recursive step is that the master sends
message to get lower and upper counts regarding to estimated median.
- Could be improve design by decouple from ZeroMQ to provide extensibility (e.g MPI).
- Dynamically manage worker size and data distribution to workers and continuous data processing (streaming)
- Could be implement multi-core processing using cluster on worker nodes to improve performance
Known issues
- It needs refactoring to support duplicate data handling
- It needs design refactoring
###Install Dependencies
On Windows
npm install
On Linux
sudo npm install
Start App
//Start Workers up to size that determined in config file (for example:3)
node main.js --role='WORKER'
node main.js --role='WORKER'
node main.js --role='WORKER'
//Start Master
node main.js --role='MASTER'
npm test
npm run test-cov
npm run lint