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Updated part 4: NS solver validation
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minoue-xx committed Apr 28, 2020
1 parent 9e0fc22 commit 53b361f
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Binary file modified docs_part2/vanilaCavityFlowImplicit_JP.mlx
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454 changes: 454 additions & 0 deletions docs_part4/

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Binary file added docs_part4/NSSolverValidation.mlx
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Binary file added docs_part4/NSSolverValidation_images/figure_0.png
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Binary file added docs_part4/NSSolverValidation_images/figure_1.png
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Binary file added docs_part4/NSSolverValidation_images/image_0.png
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222 changes: 222 additions & 0 deletions docs_part4/checkNSSolverError.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
function [L2error, h_fig] = checkNSSolverError(Re,a,N,dt,tEnd,fuFunc,fvFunc,usolFunc,vsolFunc,psolFunc,timeScheme, visFlag, recordGIF)

% Animation Setting
% recordGIF = false; % set to true if you need GIF
% visFlag = false; % set to true to visualize the flow
visRate = 4; % downsample rate of the data for quiver
recordRate = 20;
filename = 'errorCheck.gif'; % Specify the output file name

% Simulation Setting
Lx = 1; Ly = 1; % domain size
Nx = N; Ny = N; % Number of grids

% Grid size (Equispaced)
dx = Lx/Nx;
dy = Ly/Ny;
% Coordinate of each grid (cell center)
xce = ((1:Nx)-0.5)*dx;
yce = ((1:Ny)-0.5)*dy;
% Coordinate of each grid (cell corner)
xco = (0:Nx)*dx;
yco = (0:Ny)*dy;

% cell center mesh grid
[Xce,Yce] = meshgrid(xce,yce);
%% Initialize the memory for flow field.
u = nan(Nx+1,Ny+2); % velocity in x direction (u)
v = nan(Nx+2,Ny+1); % velocity in y direction (v)
p = nan(Nx+1,Ny+1); % velocity in y direction (v)

% For the current boundary condition
velbc.uTop = nan(size(u,1),1);
velbc.uBottom = nan(size(u,1),1);
velbc.uLeft = nan(1,size(u,2));
velbc.uRight = nan(1,size(u,2));
velbc.vTop = nan(size(v,1),1);
velbc.vBottom = nan(size(v,1),1);
velbc.vLeft = nan(1,size(v,2));
velbc.vRight = nan(1,size(v,2));

% For the boundary conditoin at one time step ahead
velbc1 = velbc;

%% Initialization of the flow field
t = 0;
[uX,uY] = meshgrid(xco(2:end-1),yce);
usol = usolFunc(uX', uY', t, Re, a);

[vX,vY] = meshgrid(xce,yco(2:end-1));
vsol = vsolFunc(vX', vY', t, Re, a);

[pX,pY] = meshgrid(xce,yce);
p = psolFunc(pX', pY', t, Re, a);
u(2:end-1,2:end-1) = usol;
v(2:end-1,2:end-1) = vsol;

% to be consistent with the velocity arrays, u, v
% Top, Buttom: column vector
% Left, Right: row vector
velbc = getVelocityBoudanryCondition(velbc, usolFunc, vsolFunc, xco, yco, xce, yce, t, Re, a);

u(:,1) = 2*velbc1.uBottom - u(:,2); v(:,1) = velbc1.vBottom; %bottom
u(:,end) = 2*velbc1.uTop - u(:,end-1); v(:,end) = velbc1.vTop; %top
u(1,:) = velbc1.uLeft; v(1,:) = 2*velbc1.vLeft - v(2,:); %left
u(end,:) = velbc1.uRight; v(end,:) = 2*velbc1.vRight - v(end-1,:); %right

% divergence check
inflow = sum(velbc.vBottom(2:end-1))*dx + sum(velbc.uLeft(2:end-1))*dy;
outflow = sum(velbc.vTop(2:end-1))*dx + sum(velbc.uRight(2:end-1))*dy;
assert(abs(inflow - outflow) < eps, "Inflow flux must match the outflow flux.")

if visFlag
%% Contour plot
h_fig = figure;
h_fig.Position = [350 150 700 300];
ha1 = subplot(1,2,1);
ha2 = subplot(1,2,2);

% Simulation Results
% get velocity at the cell center (for visualization)
uce = (u(1:end-1,2:end-1)+u(2:end,2:end-1))/2; % u at cell center
vce = (v(2:end-1,1:end-1)+v(2:end-1,2:end))/2; % v at cell center
[~,h_abs] = contourf(ha1, Xce',Yce',sqrt(uce.^2+vce.^2)); % contour

% Analytical Results
% get velocity at the cell center (for visualization)
usol = usolFunc(Xce', Yce', t, Re, a);
vsol = vsolFunc(Xce', Yce', t, Re, a);
[~,h_absSol] = contourf(ha2, Xce',Yce',sqrt(usol.^2+vsol.^2)); % contour


% Some cosmetics
h_abs.LevelList = linspace(-1,1,24);
h_absSol.LevelList = linspace(-1,1,24);
ha1.CLim = [0,1];
ha2.CLim = [0,1];
ha1.FontSize = 14;
ha2.FontSize = 14;
ha1.XTick = [];ha1.YTick = [];
ha2.XTick = [];ha2.YTick = [];

%% Quiver plot
% Downsample the data(d = downsampled)
xced = xce(1:visRate:end);
yced = yce(1:visRate:end);
[Xced,Yced] = meshgrid(xced, yced);

% Simulation Results
uced = uce(1:visRate:end,1:visRate:end);
vced = vce(1:visRate:end,1:visRate:end);
h_quiver = quiver(ha1, Xced',Yced',uced,vced,1,'Color',[0,0,0]);

% Analytical Results
usold = usolFunc(Xced', Yced', t, Re, a);
vsold = vsolFunc(Xced', Yced', t, Re, a);
h_quiverSol = quiver(ha2, Xced',Yced',usold,vsold,1,'Color',[0,0,0]);

xlim(ha1,[0 Lx]); ylim(ha1,[0 Ly]);
xlim(ha2,[0 Lx]); ylim(ha2,[0 Ly]);

title(ha1,'Simulation Results');
title(ha2,'Analytical Results');

%% Start the Simulation
% Just to make it a little fun, the velocity of the top lid reverses at the
% 1000 steps (out of nt steps).

initialFrame = true;
index = 1;
while t < tEnd

velbc = getVelocityBoudanryCondition(velbc1, usolFunc, vsolFunc, xco, yco, xce, yce, t, Re, a);
velbc1 = getVelocityBoudanryCondition(velbc1, usolFunc, vsolFunc, xco, yco, xce, yce, t+dt, Re, a);

uForce = fuFunc(uX', uY', t, Re, a);
vForce = fvFunc(vX', vY', t, Re, a);
% psol = psolFunc(Xce', Yce', t, Re, a);

% Update the velocity field (uses dct)
switch timeScheme
case 'Euler'
[u,v,p] = updateVelocityField_Euler(u,v,[],Nx,Ny,dx,dy,Re,dt,velbc,'dct',uForce,vForce,velbc1);
case 'CNAB'
[u,v,p] = updateVelocityField_CNAB( u,v,Nx,Ny,dx,dy,Re,dt,velbc,'dct',uForce,vForce,velbc1);
case 'RK3'
[u,v,p] = updateVelocityField_RK3(u,v,Nx,Ny,dx,dy,Re,dt,velbc,'dct',uForce,vForce,velbc1);
error('timeScheme is not recognized');

t = t + dt;

% get velocity at the cell center (for visualization)
uce = (u(1:end-1,2:end-1)+u(2:end,2:end-1))/2; % u at cell center
vce = (v(2:end-1,1:end-1)+v(2:end-1,2:end))/2; % v at cell center
usol = usolFunc(Xce', Yce', t, Re, a);
vsol = vsolFunc(Xce', Yce', t, Re, a);

uSim = [uce(:); vce(:)];
uSol = [usol(:); vsol(:)];
L2error = norm(uSim-uSol)/norm(uSol);

CFL = max([u(:)/dx; v(:)/dy])*dt;
% disp("error: " + num2str(L2error) + " at " + num2str(t) + " CFL: " + num2str(CFL));

% Update the plot at every recordRate steps
if visFlag && mod(index,recordRate) == 0

% update plot (downsample)
h_quiver.UData = uce(1:visRate:end,1:visRate:end);
h_quiver.VData = vce(1:visRate:end,1:visRate:end);
h_abs.ZData = sqrt(uce.^2+vce.^2);

h_quiverSol.UData = usol(1:visRate:end,1:visRate:end);
h_quiverSol.VData = vsol(1:visRate:end,1:visRate:end);
h_absSol.ZData = sqrt(usol.^2+vsol.^2);


if recordGIF
frame = getframe(gcf); %#ok<UNRCH> % Figure 画面をムービーフレーム(構造体)としてキャプチャ
tmp = frame2im(frame); % 画像に変更
[A,map] = rgb2ind(tmp,256); % RGB -> インデックス画像に
if initialFrame
initialFrame = false;
imwrite(A,map,filename,'gif','WriteMode','append','DelayTime',0.1);% 画像をアペンド

index = index + 1;

disp("(N,dt) = (" + num2str(N) + "," + num2str(dt) +") error: " + num2str(L2error) + " at " + num2str(t) + " CFL: " + num2str(CFL));


function velbc = getVelocityBoudanryCondition(velbc, usolFunc, vsolFunc, xco, yco, xce, yce, t, Re, a)

velbc.uTop = usolFunc(xco, 1, t, Re, a)';
velbc.uBottom = usolFunc(xco, 0, t, Re, a)';
velbc.uLeft(2:end-1) = usolFunc(0, yce, t, Re, a);
velbc.uRight(2:end-1) = usolFunc(1, yce, t, Re, a);
velbc.vTop(2:end-1) = vsolFunc(xce, 1, t, Re, a)';
velbc.vBottom(2:end-1) = vsolFunc(xce, 0, t, Re, a)';
velbc.vLeft = vsolFunc(0, yco, t, Re, a);
velbc.vRight = vsolFunc(1, yco, t, Re, a);

Binary file added docs_part4/errorCheck.gif
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19 changes: 9 additions & 10 deletions functions/updateVelocityField_CNAB.m
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Expand Up @@ -105,22 +105,21 @@
error("Specified method: " + method + " is not supported." + ...
"It should be either direct or dct");
% correction to get the final velocity
p = dp;

switch method
case 'dct_p'
u(2:end-1,2:end-1) = u(2:end-1,2:end-1) - (p(2:end,:)-p(1:end-1,:))/dx;
v(2:end-1,2:end-1) = v(2:end-1,2:end-1) - (p(:,2:end)-p(:,1:end-1))/dy;
u(end,2:end-1) = u(end,2:end-1) + 2*p(end,:)/dx; %right
v(2:end-1,end) = v(2:end-1,end) + 2*p(:,end)/dy; %right
v(2:end-1,1) = v(2:end-1,1) - 2*p(:,1)/dy; %right
u(2:end-1,2:end-1) = u(2:end-1,2:end-1) - (dp(2:end,:)-dp(1:end-1,:))/dx;
v(2:end-1,2:end-1) = v(2:end-1,2:end-1) - (dp(:,2:end)-dp(:,1:end-1))/dy;
u(end,2:end-1) = u(end,2:end-1) + 2*dp(end,:)/dx; %right
v(2:end-1,end) = v(2:end-1,end) + 2*dp(:,end)/dy; %top
v(2:end-1,1) = v(2:end-1,1) - 2*dp(:,1)/dy; %bottom
u(2:end-1,2:end-1) = u(2:end-1,2:end-1) - (p(2:end,:)-p(1:end-1,:))/dx;
v(2:end-1,2:end-1) = v(2:end-1,2:end-1) - (p(:,2:end)-p(:,1:end-1))/dy;
u(2:end-1,2:end-1) = u(2:end-1,2:end-1) - (dp(2:end,:)-dp(1:end-1,:))/dx;
v(2:end-1,2:end-1) = v(2:end-1,2:end-1) - (dp(:,2:end)-dp(:,1:end-1))/dy;

% correction to get the final velocity
p = dp;

% check the divergence
% b = ((u(2:end,2:end-1)-u(1:end-1,2:end-1))/dx ...
Expand Down
23 changes: 12 additions & 11 deletions functions/updateVelocityField_RK3.m
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Expand Up @@ -116,28 +116,29 @@
% by using the discrete cosine transform(コサイン変換使用)
% Note: Signal Processing Toolbox required
dp = solvePoissonEquation_2dDCT(b,nx,ny,dx,dy);
case 'dct_p'
case 'dct_p'
% by using the discrete cosine transform(コサイン変換使用)
% Note: Signal Processing Toolbox required
dp = solvePoissonEquation_2dDCT_p(b,nx,ny,dx,dy);

error("Specified method: " + method + " is not supported." + ...
"It should be either direct or dct");
% correction to get the final velocity
p = dp;
% u(2:end-1,2:end-1) = u(2:end-1,2:end-1) - (p(2:end,:)-p(1:end-1,:))/dx;
% v(2:end-1,2:end-1) = v(2:end-1,2:end-1) - (p(:,2:end)-p(:,1:end-1))/dy;

% correction to get the final velocity
switch method
case 'dct_p'
u(2:end-1,2:end-1) = u(2:end-1,2:end-1) - (p(2:end,:)-p(1:end-1,:))/dx;
v(2:end-1,2:end-1) = v(2:end-1,2:end-1) - (p(:,2:end)-p(:,1:end-1))/dy;
u(end,2:end-1) = u(end,2:end-1) + 2*p(end,:)/dx; %right
u(2:end-1,2:end-1) = u(2:end-1,2:end-1) - (dp(2:end,:)-dp(1:end-1,:))/dx;
v(2:end-1,2:end-1) = v(2:end-1,2:end-1) - (dp(:,2:end)-dp(:,1:end-1))/dy;
u(end,2:end-1) = u(end,2:end-1) + 2*dp(end,:)/dx; %right
v(2:end-1,end) = v(2:end-1,end) + 2*dp(:,end)/dy; %top
v(2:end-1,1) = v(2:end-1,1) - 2*dp(:,1)/dy; %bottom
u(2:end-1,2:end-1) = u(2:end-1,2:end-1) - (p(2:end,:)-p(1:end-1,:))/dx;
v(2:end-1,2:end-1) = v(2:end-1,2:end-1) - (p(:,2:end)-p(:,1:end-1))/dy;
u(2:end-1,2:end-1) = u(2:end-1,2:end-1) - (dp(2:end,:)-dp(1:end-1,:))/dx;
v(2:end-1,2:end-1) = v(2:end-1,2:end-1) - (dp(:,2:end)-dp(:,1:end-1))/dy;

p = dp;


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