A convinient tool for item extracting with different format such as table, fasta, fastq
The design philosophy of brentcaodeng fisher.pl is of great importance in our daily work.
Say thanks to my best enlightened tutor and friend brentcaodeng.
I reimplemented this script based on my own logic.
--By CongfanBu
[email protected]
1.3, In table mode, the fc and bc can be format customized
% fishInWinter.pl [options] <bait_file> <fish_file>
--bformat set bait file format, fasta|table|fq
--fformat set fish file format, fasta|table|gff|fq|gff3|gtf|vcf
--bcolumn set bait file column, default=1, or it can be 1:3-4 customized
--fcolumn set fish file column, default=1, or it can be 1:3-4 customized
--except get things not in the bait file
--maxcount stop after NUM matches
--split separator when fisher, [table]or [space], default=table
--test output bc and fc contant to test
--nongreed only print minimum number of coincident line, which very adapt that query is uniq in subject
--version print version and change log
--note also print #
Due to time constraints, --nonpreed and --maxcount are currently only implemented in Fasta and Table (version 1.2)
Use the Nongreed parameter with caution unless you are sure of the exact number in the pool
The --maxcount and --nongreed may be used together to maximize fishing speed
The except parameter does not support nongreed matching