This is a Unity project I created to show how you can control a robot arm in Unity using inverse kinematics calculations from ROS. Specifically, I use relaxedIK to compute the joint positions given an end-effector position, and send that to an AR visualization on the HoloLens 2.
- Unity 2020.3.38f1
- MRTK v2.8.3 with OpenXR, Examples, Extensions, Foundation, Standard Assets, Test Utilities, and Tools
- ROS TCP Connector v0.7.0
- URDF Importer v0.5.2
- ROS TCP Endpoint
- Holographic remoting on the HoloLens 2
- WSL2
- Docker Desktop
Clone the files in this repository
git clone
Move the ROS folder to your WSL2 home directory and keep the Unity folder on your windows machine.
The ROS files are run in a Docker container to avoid any dependency issues.
make build_ros_noetic
make run_ros_noetic
Check the container ID first four digits
docker container ls -a
Then start the container
make start_ros_noetic <First four digits of Container ID>
Right click on the black area of the Terminator window, then click split horizontally to open up a second window.
In one window run relaxed_ik
roslaunch relaxed_ik_ros1 demo.launch
To connect to Unity, in the other window run
hostname -I
Take the ip address, in my case it was, and input that as the tcp_ip
roslaunch ros_tcp_endpoint endpoint.launch tcp_ip:= tcp_port:=10000
Open the Unity project. Within the /Assets/Scenes folder there are two scenes.
- HandTrackingScene: Tracks the user's hand and sends the data to ROS, the configuration utilized by ARCADE.
- ManipulateEEByHandScene: Allows the user to manipulate the end effector of the robot by grabbing the robot's hand and moving it around.
Press play look at the QR code to align the scene to the QR. The project should connect to the docker container. If not, then make sure you are using the correct IP address by typing hostname -I
in the WSL2 terminal and using the correct IP address in the Unity project, within the ROSConnectionPrefab.
Without the Hololens, the space bar can be used to simulate a hand.
To align the virtual robot to the real robot, make sure you have set the QR code in a static position relative to the robot. Then, move the MoveThisToAlignRobotWithRealRobot object in the QR/QROrigin object in the hierarchy. Write down the new Position and Rotation values and update the values in the MoveThisToAlignRobotWithRealRobot object in the hierarchy after stopping the game so that the values persist.
If you are having further connection difficulties, you can reference the following videos for help: and
If you would like to run this on the HoloLens, you can use the Holographic Remoting feature in Unity. To do this, you will need to download the Holographic Remoting Player app on the HoloLens then, using the IP address displayed in the app, update the IP address in the Mixed Reality -> Remoting -> Holographic Remoting for Play Mode tab in the Unity project. Then, enable Holographic remoting and press play.