LIMU-BERT, a novel representation learning model that can make use of unlabeled IMU data and extract generalized rather than task-specific features. LIMU-BERT adopts the principle of natural language model BERT to effectively capture temporal relations and feature distributions in IMU sensor data. With the representations learned via LIMU-BERT, task-specific models trained with limited labeled samples can achieve superior performances. The designed models are lightweight and easily deployable on mobile devices.
Please check our paper LIMU-BERT for more details.
This project contains following folders and files.
: config json files of models and training hyper-parameters.dataset
: the scripts for preprocessing four open datasets and a config file of key attributes of those
: run DCNN, DeepSense, and
: run LIMU-GRU that inputs representations learned by LIMU-BERT and output labels for target
: run LIMU-GRU that inputs raw IMU readings and output labels for target
: some helper functions for loading
: generates representation or embeddings for raw IMU readings given a pre-trained
: the implementations of LIMU-BERT, LIMU-GRU, and other baseline
: some helper function for plotting IMU sensor data or learned
: pretrain
: some helper functions for
: several helper functions for training
: some helper functions for preprocessing data or separating dataset.
[03/03/2022] We build a docker image with the environment to run the code directly. Many thanks to BryanBoCao.
[20/01/2022] We upload trained models (i.e., LIMU-BERT and LIMU-GRU) under the saved folder.
[13/01/2022] We upload the four preprocessed datasets under the dataset folder. You can now run our scripts directly.
[03/03/2022] We provide a docker image to run our scripts directly without manually setting up the environment.
Assume that we use ~/Repos
as the working directory. Git clone this repo:
$ cd ~/Repos
$ git clone
In this option, we can use the image which has installed the required environments for the usage of this repo directly. Once we successfully start a container on this image, we can skip Option2.
Pull the image from this docker hub link by:
$ docker pull bryanbocao/limu-bert-env_10.2-cudnn8-devel-ubuntu18.04-cv2-torchvision
Check image ID:
$ docker image ls
which displays
bryanbocao/limu-bert-env_10.2-cudnn8-devel-ubuntu18.04-cv2-torchvision latest <IMAGE_ID> 10 minutes ago 11.8GB
Docker run a containe with <IMAGE_ID>
$ docker run --ipc=host --shm-size=16384m -it -v ~/:/share --gpus all --network=bridge <IMAGE_ID> /bin/bash
Locate to the folder in the container
$ cd /share/Repos/LIMU-BERT-Public
At this point you are ready to run the code directly and skip Option2.
This repository has be tested for Python 3.7.7/3.8.5 and Pytorch 1.5.1/1.7.1. To install all dependencies, use the following command:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
In the dataset
folder, we provide four scripts that preprocess the corresponding datasets. Those datasets are widely utilized in the previous studies:
Each script has a kernel function which reads the raw IMU data and output preprocessed data and label. You can set the sampling rate and window size (sequence length) in the functiono. It retures two values:
- Data: a numpy array with the shape of (N*W*F), N is the number of samples, W is the windows size, and F is the number of features (6 or 9).
- Label: a numpy array with the shape of (N*W*L), N is the number of samples, W is the windows size, and L is the number of label types (e.g., activity and user labels). The detailed label information is provided in
The two numpy arrays are saved as "data_X_Y.npy" and "label_X_Y.npy" in each dataset folder, where X represents the sampling rate and Y is the window size. For example, all data and label are saved as "data_20_120.npy" and "label_20_120.npy" in the settings of LIMU-BERT. And the data and label arrays of HHAR dataset are saved in the dataset/hhar folder.
In our framework, there are two phases:
- Self-supervised training phase: train LIMU-BERT with unlabeled IMU data.
- Supervised training phase: train LIMU-GRU based on the learned representations.
In implementation, there are three steps to run the codes:
: pretrain LIMU-BERT and the
: generates and save representations learned by
: load representations and train a task-specific classifier.
For other baseline models, directly run
, and
share the same usage pattern.
usage: [-h] [-g GPU] [-f MODEL_FILE] [-t TRAIN_CFG] [-a MASK_CFG]
model_version {hhar,motion,uci,shoaib} {10_100,20_120}
positional arguments:
model_version Model config, e.g. v1
Dataset name
{10_100,20_120} Dataset version
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-g GPU, --gpu GPU Set specific GPU
-f MODEL_FILE, --model_file MODEL_FILE
Pretrain model file, default: None
-t TRAIN_CFG, --train_cfg TRAIN_CFG
Training config json file path
-a MASK_CFG, --mask_cfg MASK_CFG
Mask strategy json file path, default: config/mask.json
-l LABEL_INDEX, --label_index LABEL_INDEX
Label Index setting the task, default: -1
-s SAVE_MODEL, --save_model SAVE_MODEL
The saved model name, default: 'model'
python v1 uci 20_120 -s limu_v1
For this command, we will train a LIMU-BERT, whose settings are defined in the based_v1 of limu_bert.json
with the UCI dataset "data_20_120.npy" and "label_20_120.npy". The trained model will be saved as "" in the saved/pretrain_base_uci_20_120 folder.
The mask and train settings are defined in the mask.json
and pretrain.json
, respectively.
In the main function of
, you can set following parameters:
- training_rate: float, defines the proportion of unlabeled training data we want to use. The default value is 0.8.
python v1 uci 20_120 -f limu_v1
For this command, we will load the pretrained LIMU-BERT from file "" in the saved/pretrain_base_uci_20_120 folder. And will save the learned representations as "embed_limu_v1_uci_20_120.npy" in the embed folder.
python v2 uci 20_120 -f limu_v1 -s limu_gru_v1 -l 0
For this command, we will load the embeddings or representations from "embed_limu_v1_uci_20_120.npy" and train the GRU classifier
, whose settings are defined in the gru_v2 of classifier.json
The trained GRU classifier will be saved as "" in the saved/classifier_base_uci_20_120 folder.
The target task corresponds to the first label in "label_20_120.npy" of UCI dataset, which is a human activity recognition task defined in data_config.json
. The train settings are defined in the train.json
In the main function of
, you can set following parameters:
- training_rate: float, defines the proportion of unlabeled data that the pretrained LIMU-BERT uses. The default value is 0.8.
Note that this value must be equal to the training_rate in the
. - label_rate: float, defines the proportion of labeled data to the unlabeled training data that the GRU classifier uses.
- balance: bool, defines whether it should use balanced labeled samples among the multiple classes. Default: True.
- method: str, defines the classifier type from {gru, lstm, cnn1, cnn2, attn}. Default: gru.
If you are confused about the above settings, please check the Section 4.1.1 in our paper for more details.
python v1_v2 uci 20_120 -f limu_v1 -s limu_gru_v1 -l 0
For this command, we will train the a composite classifier with the pretrained LIMU-BERT and GRU classifier
, whose settings are defined in the gru_v2 of classifier.json
The trained LIMU-GRU classifier will be saved as "" in the saved/bert_classifier_base_uci_20_120 folder.
The train settings are defined in the bert_classifier_train.json
Note that "v1_v2" defines two model versions, which corresponds to the LIMU-BERT and GRU classifier, respectively.
python v1 uci 20_120 -s dcnn_v1 -l 0
For this command, we will train a DCNN model, whose settings are defined in the dcnn_v1 of classifier.json
The trained DCNN classifier will be saved as "" in the saved/bench_dcnn_uci_20_120 folder.
In the main function of
, the parameters are the same to those in
LIMU-BERT: Unleashing the Potential of Unlabeled Data for IMU Sensing Applications
title={LIMU-BERT: Unleashing the Potential of Unlabeled Data for IMU Sensing Applications},
author={Xu, Huatao and Zhou, Pengfei and Tan, Rui and Li, Mo and Shen, Guobin},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 19th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems},
[email protected] (preferred)