Releases: brobertson/Lace2
- works with eXist-db 5.3.0 (also checked with eXist-db 5.2.0)
- check urns and labels on submission to URN library
- further check Greek on entry
In-browser editing of URN picker data.
More improvements for many-user context at CHS. Improve responsiveness of updateWords by not returning json of the result. Don't allow people to enter less-than or greater-than, but convert these to the angle-bracket versions.
Fixes to support CHS editing jag. Exclude illegal or highly inappropriate characters on input, and speed up some common interactions.
Further bug fixes for dehyphenation in TEI output. Now using xquery to generate this, rather than xslt.
Remove NBIF footer; don't alter the package repo address; fix dehyphenation issues by making links unique if they aren't already.
Important: if you want your eXist-db repository to point to the normal package repo, you must:
- Back up all editing packages
- re-install a fresh version of eXist-db
- install this version of Lace on top of it
- install the backup editing packages and their related image packages.
Or, to livepatch a running version of Lace, edit with eXide "/db/apps/packageservice/configuration.xml"
and change the values in /settings/repositories/repository to conform with those in the most recent version of eXist-db.
Further TEI bug fixes: improve header, and deal with corner cases where dehyphenation doesn't occur and the last word in a section sometimes gets dropped.
Javascript library cleanup.
Further TEI generation bug fixes. 1) order zones numerically, not alphabetically (duh). 2. fix the corner case where a page ends with hyphenated form: sometimes these would pick up later second halves of a different pair.
Make primary text the default zone. Fix bugs in TEI output and improve header.