Code to run the log-normal-Poisson regression model from Hess et al. 2019, "Passenger Hotspot Mutations in Cancer" (
This repository contains MATLAB functions for running a Bayesian log-normal-Poisson (LNP) regression. We include code to both sample from the posterior distribution of the model parameters via MCMC, and also compute statistical significance of counts, given a set of posterior samples (i.e., compute posterior predictive p-values).
The aforementioned functionality is suitable for modeling generic count data, and is not specific to modeling somatic mutation counts. For that purpose, we also include a function to process the specific somatic mutation calls analyzed in Hess et al.
- To run the regression on raw count/covariate data, use
, or the inline example in this readme)- This tool generates samples from the posterior distribution of the LNP parameters (μ, τ, β); it does not identify significant outlying counts.
- To compute significance (i.e., LNP posterior predictive p-values), use
- To run the model on the somatic mutation calls analyzed in the manuscript, use the wrapper script
. Currently, it is only intended for processing calls in a format specific to this manuscript, output by the analysis notebooks used to generate the publication. We are planning to release a user-friendly wrapper for running on generic.maf
files soon.
To run any code, start MATLAB (any version R2014b or newer should work) in the root
directory of this repo --- this is necessary for startup.m
to properly add
dependencies to the MATLAB path. Tested to work only under 64 bit Linux; other
architectures may work after recompiling C/C++ .mex
Here is a simple demo of running the regression model on simulated counts, sans covariates.
First, we generate 50,000 random samples from a log-normal-Poisson distribution with μ = -3, σ = 0.9:
x = poissrnd(exp(-3 + 0.9*randn(50000, 1)));
We thus expect samples drawn from the posterior distribution p(μ,σ|x) will be centered around (-3, 0.9).
Next, we set some basic parameters for running the MCMC:
P = [];
P.niter = 2000; % total iterations
P.burnin = 50; % burn-in
P.m0 = log(mean(x)); % initial guess for mu
% normal-gamma hyperparameters
P.mumu = -3;
P.taua = 10;
P.taub = 0.2;
Actually run the MCMC:
[~, ~, mu, tau] = pois_LN_reg(x, zeros(size(x)), P);
2,000 samples from μ and σ will be placed into mu
and tau
, respectively. Note that τ = 1/σ^2.
Finally, we plot samples from the posterior:
figure(1); clf
hold on
scatter(mu(P.burnin:end), 1./sqrt(tau(1, P.burnin:end)), 'marker', '.', ...
'markeredgealpha', 0.6, 'markeredgecolor', 'k')
scatter(-3, 0.9, 70, 'marker', 'x', 'markeredgecolor', 'm', 'linewidth', 2)
title('MCMC draws from LNP posterior p(\mu, \sigma|x)')
ax = gca;
ax.Box = 'on';
ax.XLim = [-3.15 -2.85];
ax.XTick = -3.15:0.05:-2.70;
ax.YLim = [0.75 1.05];
ax.YTick = 0.75:0.05:1.05;
grid on
confirming that samples from the posterior distribution look as we would expect.