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Update Triangulation_Vonoroi
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baluteshih committed Oct 20, 2023
1 parent efbf648 commit b8082f3
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Showing 4 changed files with 93 additions and 145 deletions.
168 changes: 74 additions & 94 deletions codebook/8_Geometry/DelaunayTriangulation_dq.cpp
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@@ -1,102 +1,82 @@
struct pddi {
pdd p;
int id;
pddi(double a = 0, double b = 0, int c = -1):p(pdd(a, b)), id(c) {}
/* Delaunay Triangulation:
Given a sets of points on 2D plane, find a
triangulation such that no points will strictly
inside circumcircle of any triangle. */
struct Edge {
int id;
list<Edge>::iterator twin;
Edge(int _id = 0):id(_id) {}
int id; // oidx[id]
list<Edge>::iterator twin;
Edge(int _id = 0):id(_id) {}
int inCircle(pddi a, pddi b, pddi c, pddi p) {
if (ori(a.p, b.p, c.p) < 0)
swap(b, c);
Point a3(a.p), b3(b.p), c3(c.p), p3(p.p);
b3 = b3 - a3, c3 = c3 - a3, p3 = p3 - a3;
Point f = cross(b3, c3); // normal vector
return sign(dot(p3, f)); // check same direction, in: < 0, on: = 0, out: > 0
int intersection(pddi a, pddi b, pddi c, pddi d) { // seg(a, b) and seg(c, d)
return ori(a.p, c.p, b.p) * ori(a.p, b.p, d.p) > 0 && ori(c.p, a.p, d.p) * ori(c.p, d.p, b.p) > 0;
struct Delaunay { // 0-base
list<Edge> head[N]; // graph
pddi p[N];
int n, rename[N];
void init(int _n, pddi _p[]) {
n = _n;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) head[i].clear();
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) p[i] = _p[i];
sort(p, p + n, [&](pddi a, pddi b){return a.p < b.p;});
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) rename[p[i].id] = i;
divide(0, n - 1);
void addEdge(int u, int v) {
head[u].begin() -> twin = head[v].begin();
head[v].begin() -> twin = head[u].begin();
void divide(int l, int r) {
if (l == r) return;
if (l + 1 == r) return addEdge(l, l + 1);
int mid = (l + r) >> 1;
divide(l, mid), divide(mid + 1, r);
int nowl = l, nowr = r;
for (int update = 1; update;) {
update = 0;
pddi ptL = p[nowl], ptR = p[nowr];
for (auto it : head[nowl]) {
pddi t = p[];
int v = ori(ptR.p, ptL.p, t.p);
if (v > 0 || (v == 0 && abs2(ptR.p - t.p) < abs2(ptR.p - ptL.p))) {
nowl =, update = 1;
if (update) continue;
for (auto it : head[nowr]) {
pddi t = p[];
int v = ori(ptL.p, ptR.p, t.p);
if (v < 0 || (v == 0 && abs2(ptL.p - t.p) < abs2(ptL.p - ptR.p))) {
nowr =, update = 1;
int n, oidx[N];
list<Edge> head[N]; // result udir. graph
pll p[N];
void init(int _n, pll _p[]) {
n = _n, iota(oidx, oidx + n, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) head[i].clear();
sort(oidx, oidx + n, [&](int a, int b)
{ return _p[a] < _p[b]; });
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) p[i] = _p[oidx[i]];
divide(0, n - 1);
void addEdge(int u, int v) {
head[u].begin()->twin = head[v].begin();
head[v].begin()->twin = head[u].begin();
void divide(int l, int r) {
if (l == r) return;
if (l + 1 == r) return addEdge(l, l + 1);
int mid = (l + r) >> 1;
divide(l, mid), divide(mid + 1, r);
int nowl = l, nowr = r;
for (int update = 1; update;) {
update = 0;
pll ptL = p[nowl], ptR = p[nowr];
for (auto it : head[nowl]) {
pll t = p[];
int v = ori(ptR, ptL, t);
if (v > 0 || (v == 0 && abs2(ptR - t) < abs2(ptR - ptL))) {
nowl =, update = 1;
addEdge(nowl, nowr); // add tangent
while (true) {
pddi ptL = p[nowl], ptR = p[nowr];
int ch = -1, side = 0;
for (auto it : head[nowl])
if (ori(ptL.p, ptR.p, p[].p) > 0 && (ch == -1 || inCircle(ptL, ptR, p[ch], p[]) < 0))
ch =, side = -1;
for (auto it : head[nowr])
if (ori(ptR.p, p[].p, ptL.p) > 0 && (ch == -1 || inCircle(ptL, ptR, p[ch], p[]) < 0))
ch =, side = 1;
if (ch == -1) break; // upper common tangent
if (side == -1) {
for (auto it = head[nowl].begin(); it != head[nowl].end(); )
if (intersection(ptL, p[it -> id], ptR, p[ch]))
head[it -> id].erase(it -> twin), head[nowl].erase(it++);
else ++it;
nowl = ch, addEdge(nowl, nowr);
else {
for (auto it = head[nowr].begin(); it != head[nowr].end(); )
if (intersection(ptR, p[it -> id], ptL, p[ch]))
head[it -> id].erase(it -> twin), head[nowr].erase(it++);
else ++it;
nowr = ch, addEdge(nowl, nowr);
if (update) continue;
for (auto it : head[nowr]) {
pll t = p[];
int v = ori(ptL, ptR, t);
if (v < 0 || (v == 0 && abs2(ptL - t) < abs2(ptL - ptR))) {
nowr =, update = 1;
vector<pii> getEdge() {
vector<pii> ret;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
for (auto it : head[i])
if ( >= i)
ret.pb(pii(p[i].id, p[].id));
return ret;
addEdge(nowl, nowr); // add tangent
while (true) {
pll ptL = p[nowl], ptR = p[nowr];
int ch = -1, side = 0;
for (auto it : head[nowl])
if (ori(ptL, ptR, p[]) > 0 && (ch == -1 || in_cc({ptL, ptR, p[ch]}, p[])))
ch =, side = -1;
for (auto it : head[nowr])
if (ori(ptR, p[], ptL) > 0 && (ch == -1 || in_cc({ptL, ptR, p[ch]}, p[])))
ch =, side = 1;
if (ch == -1) break; // upper common tangent
if (side == -1) {
for (auto it = head[nowl].begin(); it != head[nowl].end(); )
if (seg_strict_intersect(ptL, p[it->id], ptR, p[ch]))
head[it->id].erase(it->twin), head[nowl].erase(it++);
else ++it;
nowl = ch, addEdge(nowl, nowr);
else {
for (auto it = head[nowr].begin(); it != head[nowr].end(); )
if (seg_strict_intersect(ptR, p[it->id], ptL, p[ch]))
head[it->id].erase(it->twin), head[nowr].erase(it++);
else ++it;
nowr = ch, addEdge(nowl, nowr);
} tool;
47 changes: 10 additions & 37 deletions codebook/8_Geometry/Triangulation_Vonoroi.cpp
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@@ -1,39 +1,12 @@
vector<Line> ls[N];
pll arr[N];
Line make_line(pdd p, Line l) {
pdd d = l.Y - l.X; d = perp(d);
pdd m = (l.X + l.Y) / 2;
l = Line(m, m + d);
if (ori(l.X, l.Y, p) < 0)
l = Line(m + d, m);
return l;
double calc_area(int id) {
// use to calculate the area of point "strictly in the convex hull"
vector<Line> hpi = halfPlaneInter(ls[id]);
vector<pdd> ps;
for (int i = 0; i < SZ(hpi); ++i)
ps.pb(intersect(hpi[i].X, hpi[i].Y, hpi[(i + 1) % SZ(hpi)].X, hpi[(i + 1) % SZ(hpi)].Y));
double rt = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < SZ(ps); ++i)
rt += cross(ps[i], ps[(i + 1) % SZ(ps)]);
return fabs(rt) / 2;
void solve(int n, pii *oarr) {
map<pll, int> mp;
// all coord. is even, you may want to call halfPlaneInter after then
vector<vector<Line>> vec;
void build_voronoi_line(int n, pll *arr) {
tool.init(n, arr); // Delaunay
vec.clear(), vec.resize(n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
arr[i] = pll(oarr[i].X, oarr[i].Y), mp[arr[i]] = i;
build(n, arr); // Triangulation
for (auto *t : triang) {
vector<int> p;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
if (mp.find(t->p[i]) != mp.end())
for (int i = 0; i < SZ(p); ++i)
for (int j = i + 1; j < SZ(p); ++j) {
Line l(oarr[p[i]], oarr[p[j]]);
ls[p[i]].pb(make_line(oarr[p[i]], l));
ls[p[j]].pb(make_line(oarr[p[j]], l));
for (auto e : tool.head[i]) {
int u = tool.oidx[i], v = tool.oidx[];
pll m = (arr[v] + arr[u]) / 2LL, d = perp(arr[v] - arr[u]);
vec[u].pb(Line(m, m + d));
17 changes: 6 additions & 11 deletions codebook/8_Geometry/point_in_circle.cpp
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@@ -1,12 +1,7 @@
// return p4 is strictly in circumcircle of tri(p1,p2,p3)
ll sqr(ll x) { return x * x; }
bool in_cc(const pll& p1, const pll& p2, const pll& p3, const pll& p4) {
ll u11 = p1.X - p4.X; ll u12 = p1.Y - p4.Y;
ll u21 = p2.X - p4.X; ll u22 = p2.Y - p4.Y;
ll u31 = p3.X - p4.X; ll u32 = p3.Y - p4.Y;
ll u13 = sqr(p1.X) - sqr(p4.X) + sqr(p1.Y) - sqr(p4.Y);
ll u23 = sqr(p2.X) - sqr(p4.X) + sqr(p2.Y) - sqr(p4.Y);
ll u33 = sqr(p3.X) - sqr(p4.X) + sqr(p3.Y) - sqr(p4.Y);
__int128 det = (__int128)-u13 * u22 * u31 + (__int128)u12 * u23 * u31 + (__int128)u13 * u21 * u32 - (__int128)u11 * u23 * u32 - (__int128)u12 * u21 * u33 + (__int128)u11 * u22 * u33;
return det > eps;
// return q's relation with circumcircle of tri(p[0],p[1],p[2])
bool in_cc(const array<pll, 3> &p, pll q) {
__int128 det = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
det += __int128(abs2(p[i]) - abs2(q)) * cross(p[(i + 1) % 3] - q, p[(i + 2) % 3] - q);
return det > 0; // in: >0, on: =0, out: <0
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions codebook/content.tex
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Expand Up @@ -235,9 +235,9 @@ \subsection{3Dpoint*} % test by HDU 3662
\subsection{Convexhull3D*} % test by HDU 3662, Ptz. Summer 2023 olmrgcsi And His Friends' Contest K
\subsection{DelaunayTriangulation*} % test by Zerojudge b370
\subsection{Triangulation Vonoroi*} % test by NPSC 2018 territory
\subsection{DelaunayTriangulation*} % test by Zerojudge b370, TIOJ 1310
\subsection{Triangulation Vonoroi*} % test by CF 104555 J. Try NPSC 2018 territory?
\subsection{Minkowski Sum*} % test by Zerojudge b398
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