Welcome to project sensecovid! This is an intelligent online system that can automatically aggregate and summarize valuable information from live streaming tweets around COVID-19 related topics.
Note: Please feel free to visit our website via www.sensecovid.info
Create a new app at Twitter Developer Portal
Save your Consumer Keys and Authentication Tokens
- Create a conda virual enviroment
conda create -n twitter python=3.7
- Install all required packages
conda activate twitter
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Set up credentials for twarc ( Consumer Keys, etc)
twarc config
- Create a conda virual enviroment
For this part, there are several different modules needs to be run simultaneously, you may want a terminal multiplexer like tmux to multiprocess these programs as well as monitor their status.
Before start the actual python scripts, please activate the required enviroment by:
conda activate twitter
- Start the Back-end system
- Go into backend folder, this is the place we store all backend dependencies
python senti_workflow.py
python Data/twitter_listener.py
- Note: For this part to run, please put your own twitter confidentials in the twitter_listner.py
python Data/spark_engine.py
- Then go into backend/Summarization folder
python sum_updator.py
- Go into backend folder, this is the place we store all backend dependencies
- Start the Front-end system
- Go into sensecovid folder, this is the place we store all front-end dependencies
python sensecovid.py
- Go into sensecovid folder, this is the place we store all front-end dependencies