npm install
react-native link
- install all devendencies and required api levels to letest as suggested by android studio
npm install
cd ios && pod install
To launch the bundlers, execute those commands in 2 separate terminal tabs :
npm run relay:watch
npm run clear
To modify any file, please create a new branch from the master :
git checkout master
git pull
git checkout -b features/FEATURE_NAME
Then after you finished your modifications, you can push and create a new pull request.
In constants.json, replace all the occurences of by This will connect you to the dev backend server
If you want to see the logs, you'll have to modify the file .babelrc to remove the plugin transform-remove-console
, then re-run the script npm run clear
Run npm run build:ios
to generate a new main.jsbundle file
Remove previous references of main.jsbundle in "Resources" folder (in left panel) and re-add it
Remove previous references of main.jsbundle in "Copy Bundle Resources" folder (in Build Phases) and re-add it
Then archive from XCode