Langdon, the most excellent puzzle solver of all time, is a jigsaw puzzle solver written in python. Langdon uses pytorch-lightning and partial convolution. I developed langdon while studying computer science at University of Erlangen Nuermberg.
The main contribution is the proposal of a deep siamese residual network architecture , called Langdong , designed for historical fragment matching. It is inspiered by the work of Pirrone et al.
$wget &&
You will find them in the data directory as csv-files which points to the original files.
Note: Preproceccing is will be performed online. The files just split the data and provides pairs for the siamiese approach.
git clone
conda env create -f environment.yml -p /Users/beantown/PycharmProjects/jigsaw-puzzle-solver/conda-env &&
conda activate /Users/beantown/PycharmProjects/jigsaw-puzzle-solver/conda-env
Note: If you want to use another package manger, you have to mangage it py your own. Sorry.
EDA and Preproceccing
(/Users/beantown/PycharmProjects/jigsaw-puzzle-solver/conda-env): $jupyter notebook ./notebooks/eda_preproceccing.ipynb
(/Users/beantown/PycharmProjects/jigsaw-puzzle-solver/conda-env): $python3
Training configuration
(/Users/beantown/PycharmProjects/jigsaw-puzzle-solver/conda-env): $vim ./config/config_local.toml
(/Users/beantown/PycharmProjects/jigsaw-puzzle-solver/conda-env): $vim./config/config_local.toml
(/Users/beantown/PycharmProjects/jigsaw-puzzle-solver/conda-env): $tensorboard --logdir ./results/default/version_X
Note: You can change directory in config files. So, you must change it in the tensorboard command as well.
Custom steps
from langdon.core import some_steps
def custom_init_step():
return config, transform, model
def main():
config, transform, model = custom_init_step()
train_dataloader, val_dataloader = load_step(config, transform)
tb_logger = log_step(config)
train_step(config, model, train_dataloader, val_dataloader, tb_logger)
if __name__ == "__main__":
Note: step-functions must return the same as the original step-function. Not tested yet, sorry.
Pretty much the BSD 3-Clause License, just don't repackage it and call it your own please!
Also if you do make some changes, feel free to make a pull request and help make things more awesome!
If you have any support requests please feel free to email me.
Otherwise, feel free to follow me on Twitter!
Many thanks to all supervisors for their excellent supervising, patience, and collecting the data: