Welcome to a Tool for Transcriptome REsults VISualization (TREVIS). This work was developed by FAPEMIG scholarship holder Bruno M. Silva and by professor J. Miguel Ortega from Federal University of Minas Gerais. The web tool was made in collaboration with Romildo Oliveira.
Check out our work: http://bioinfo.icb.ufmg.br/trevis
This tool allows data visualization and interaction related to transcriptomes assemblies and the expression levels of transcribed genes of many organisms. We have the following functions available:
- An index page containing all data related to the experiments data used to perform the transcriptome assembly;
- A customized Unirprot ID Mapping search table;
- Search genes and transcripts annotations;
- Retrieve all data related to Blast, HMMER and PFAM alignment;
- Vizualize and interact with expression data graphs;
- Get all data related to a specific transcript/gene;
- Run a Diamond BlastP/BlastX in all assembled transcriptomes.
You can find all information about this tool at our Wiki page.